Newsletter December 2021

NEWSLETTER 6th December  2021

Christmas Treats.  Our Christmas meeting this Friday 10th December [note it’s the second Friday, not the usual third one] is our biennial opportunity to hear short pieces by our members before consuming mulled wine or soft drinks and mince pies. This year we have three contributions.  Anitra Hall  will entertain us with a piece entitled “What’s in a Name?”  Many of you will remember some years ago the dry humour of her account of her genealogical researches.  Sue Hammon has given me the title “The Mystery of Khiva” and despite Googling Khiva’s location (it’s in Uzbekistan – where’s that?), and a hint from Sue that a vital aspect of European culture is involved, I remain agog to hear her explore the mystery of this place.  Brian Morgan took up the challenge which I was issued at the start of the pandemic, and has kept a journal to record the last extraordinary 20 months.  In the footsteps of Daniel Defoe he calls his talk “The Ramblings of an Old Man During the Pandemic”.  I hope as many of you as possible will come to this pre-Christmas meeting, the last K&DLHG gathering of 2021.

At present there are no mandatory covid-related restrictions on the use of the village hall, so we expect to present a normal evening.  However, we advise that masks be worn, and that the hand washing facilities be used.  Seats will be spaced, although not at the previous 2m distance.  Please wrap up warmly as the hall will be ventilated. 

Report on November 19meeting.  Ellie Reid, a Local Studies Librarian at Oxfordshire History Centre, and an independent researcher, gave a comprehensive description of the role played by Warwick’s pioneering 1906 pageant in the local, and wider, manifestations of the 20th century pageant craze.  In her well-illustrated talk entitled Dressing up the past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century Pageant Movement she showed how persistent publicity over many months was crucial for the huge success of the event.  Local dignitaries, such as Lord Willoughby de Broke and patrons of the South Warwickshire Hunt, took leading roles in hired costumes, while lesser parts were inhabited by members of the wider community in costumes created by teams of seamstresses.  As many as 44,000 people saw the pageant, performed for a week in the grounds of Warwick Castle under the direction of Pageant Master Louis Napoleon Parker.  A dozen episodes illustrated the sometimes mythic history of the town, including a scene involving the infamous Dun Cow, represented by a giant smoke-breathing head, designed by local artist John Bolton.   The success of the Warwick pageant stimulated many other towns to mount their own local celebratory events, and Parker became a peripatetic Pageant Master, much in demand.

The popularity of pageants waned in the thirties and post WWII, with Birmingham’s rain-affected 1938 event making a loss of about £10,000.  Against this is Kenilworth’s 1939 celebration which made a profit of £1,500, and included microphones and pyrotechnics.  The Festival of Britain included a pageant, and the spectacular 2012 London Olympic opening ceremony was essentially a pageant.  Ambridge staged a pageant in 2016, in a way which recalled the pageant in Mapp and Lucia, where village politics and personalities proved as compelling as the ostensible historical theme.  The current appetite for costumed re-enactors at historical tourist venues has a faint echo of the pageant, albeit much diluted. 

Our President Bob Bearman noted that the late Peter Ashley-Smith had researched and published an article about the Warwick 1906 Pageant in Warwickshire History in 2006, a debt which Ellie fulsomely acknowledged; indeed she had included a copy of Peter’s article with her fascinating display of pageant memorabilia.   Gill Ashley-Smith gave the vote of thanks with her characteristic panache.


Membership.   If you are, or would like to become, a Member of the group, your 2022 subscription (still £10pa!) will be due in January 2022.  Our Treasurer Alec Hitchman awaits!  You can pay by cheque made payable to Kineton and District Local History Group, sent or delivered to Alec Hitchman, The Hills Farm, Pillerton Hersey, WARKS, CV35 0QQ,  or by BACS to our bank business account:

name: Kineton and District Local History Group,

sort code: 40-43-19;

acc. no. 71281992. Please be sure to include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment!

 Or you can pay at a talk. 

2021-2 Programme update: 

Dec 10           Christmas treats


Jan   21            George Derbyshire:  Arts and Crafts in the Cotswolds

Feb 18             James Ranahan: The Photographer’s Gaze: Viewing Warwickshire Since 1839

Mar 18            AGM

22 AprilAlan Benjamin‘The History and Music of Morris Dancing’ with instrumental accompaniment.
20 MayAnne Langley‘Early allotments in Warwickshire’ a major institution of Victorian village life
16 SeptemberNorman Hyde‘Tennis the Leamington Way.’ the oldest tennis club in the world and its importance to Leamington over 170 years.
21 OctoberRoy Smart‘David Beatty – The Last Naval Hero’ fame and celebrity following the Battle of Jutland, the greatest naval battle in history.
18 NovemberRosemary CollierThe History of the Royal Horticultural Research Institute, Wellesbourne
9 DecemberVARIOUSChristmas meeting
20 JanuaryBeat Kumin‘For a Good Cause – Church Ales and Early Modern Drinking Culture.’
17 Februarytbctbc
17 MarchAGM 

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it. 

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom!  Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up-to-date lists.

British Association for Local History.  The Group is also a Member of BALH and they run lectures and talks which are open to our members. 

Their next, talk available virtually is The Human Cost of the British Civil Wars given by Prof Andrew Hopper on Thursday 9th November, 7.00 – 8.30pm. 


One of a series of digital skills workshops and webinars hosted by BALH in 2021.

The BALH Annual Winter Lecture

The British and Irish Civil Wars (1638–1652) are now taking centre stage as a critical event in the welfare history of Europe. During these conflicts, the Long Parliament implemented a national pension scheme for those who had suffered ‘in the State’s service’. Maimed soldiers no longer able to work, bereaved war widows and orphans too could petition Justices of the Peace for a pension on a local level, through the county quarter sessions courts. For the very first time, this signified the state’s acceptance of a duty of care to both its servicemen and their families. The impact of war-related deprivation was widespread, given that civil-war population loss in England and Wales was around 3%, with even higher percentage losses in Scotland and Ireland. This lecture will showcase evidence from the Civil War Petitions Project’s website in order to assess how this system of military welfare operated, how claimants fashioned themselves as deserving recipients of relief, and how the victims of the war looked back on their experiences.

Check out their website at:

Warwickshire in WWII

The link below takes you to a fascinating article about WWII in the locality, keep going to the end to read about PoW Camp 31 at Ettington.

Other local on-line offerings:

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery: Life through a Lens virtual tour

Don’t forget to check our own website at:

Kineton and District Local History Group (

KDLHG Committee

President:                               Robert Bearman MBE           

Chairman                               David Freke                           

Vice-Chairman                        Roger Gaunt                          

Secretary                                 Ilona Sekacz                                     

Treasurer                                Alec Hitchman                       

Outings Secretary                   Isobel Gill                                  

Programme Secretary             Claire Roberts                       

Other committee members:

Rosemary Collier    

George Lokuciejewski       

Catherine Petrie 

Pamela Redgrave    

Peter Waters

Committee News.  The committee met at Pamela Redgrave’s home on 15th November. Alec outlined the continuing satisfactory state of our finances but reported that the transfer of access to our PayPal account to him from Ted was still a problem.  Roger, Alec Ted and Lucie are attempting to resolve this.  The 2022-23 programme was discussed and a short list drawn up for Claire to pursue.  In the matter of the archive in October we submitted a new application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for help with financing the proposed archive room behind the stage.  We hope to hear whether we have been successful before Christmas.  Roger reported that the number of visitors to the web site continues to rise each month, with hits 60% from UK, 20% from the US, 12% from China(!) and others from Hong Kong and Zimbabwe. 

Date of next Committee meeting: 17th January (tbc), 7.00pm, at Pamela Redgrave’s home by kind invitation: 8 King John’s Road, Kineton, CV35 0HS

DF 06.12. 21

Contact:  David Freke


07876 290044

Newsletter November 2021

NEWSLETTER 14th November  2021

Next meeting: Friday November 19th.  Ellie Reid will describe the local, and wider, manifestations of the 20th century pageant craze in a talk entitled  Dressing up the past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century Pageant Movement.  Pageants are mass, costumed, theatrical events celebrating usually historical themes, often involving hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of participants.  They began as a craze in the very early years of the 20th century, and then continued in the interwar years.  Their popularity then waned, but the Festival of Britain included a pageant, and the 2012 London Olympic opening ceremony was essentially a pageant.  Ambridge staged a pageant in 2016, in a way which recalled the pageant in Mapp and Lucia, where village politics and personalities proved as compelling as the ostensible historical theme.  The current appetite for costumed re-enactors at historical tourist venues has a faint echo of the pageant, albeit much diluted.  Ellie Reid is Local Studies Librarian at Oxfordshire History Centre, and an independent researcher, with a special interest in the social history and material culture of 20th century historical pageants.  We are looking forward to a stimulating talk by an expert researcher.  

At present there are no mandatory covid-related restrictions on the use of the village hall, so we expect to present a normal evening.  However, we advise that masks should be worn, and that the hand washing facilities be used.  Seats will be spaced, although not at the previous 2m distance.  . Please wrap up warmly as the hall will be ventilated.  To minimise risk there will be no tea and biscuits, sorry.

Report on October 15th  performance.

Our session on Friday 15th October was led by Michal Luntley, with his folk trio Tricaorach, in an evening entitled  From This Ground: songs and stories about 19thcentury Warwickshire agricultural  workers.  Michael sang his own compositions describing the conditions of the agricultural labourer at the end of the 19th century, accompanying himself on a variety of guitars and banjos, with Maura Barnett on violin and Nickly Luntley providing backing vocals.  Interspersed were poems by local poet Olga Dermott-Bond which considered the wider aspects of displacement, emigration, and exploitation.

The particular narrative Michael explored was the emigration of scores of local agricultural workers and their families to Brazil in the 1870s, promoted by Tom Alsop, an agent from Napton-on-the-Hill.  The enterprise was a disaster, built on false promises and lies. It led to the destitution and death of many of the hopeful emigrants and their families.  One survivor managed return to denounce Alsop at a public meeting in Napton.  A consular official called Phipps had helpfully documented the whole sorry saga, and his evidence put an end to the corrupt project.  Michael’s approach was in the folk singing tradition, embracing contemporary political and social commentary in his songs, drawing parallels between the effects of modern states’ policies on refugees, and the events of 150 years ago.  It was clearly a heartfelt commentary on contemporary issues as much as an examination of  historic misdeeds. 

Michael’s “other life” is as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Warwick University, where his specialism is the study of the educational implications of the ideas of that supremely humane thinker Wittgenstein.    


Membership.   If you are a Member of the group but have not paid your 2021 subscription yet (£10) our NEW Treasurer Alec Hitchman awaits!  You can pay by cheque made payable to Kineton and District Local History Group, sent or delivered to Alec Hitchman, The Hills Farm, Pillerton Hersey, WARKS, CV35 0QQ,  or by BACS to our bank business account:

name: Kineton and District Local History Group,

sort code: 40-43-19;

acc. no. 71281992. Please be sure to include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment!

 Or you can pay at the talk. 

2021 Programme update: 

Nov 19            Ellie Reid  Dressing up the Past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century pageant movement in Warwickshire.

Dec 10           Christmas treats


Jan   21            George Derbyshire:  Arts and Crafts in the Cotswolds

Feb 18             James Ranahan: The Photographer’s Gaze: Viewing Warwickshire Since 1839

Mar 18            AGM

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it. 

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom!  Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up-to-date lists.

British Association for Local History.  The Group is also a Member of BALH and they run lectures and talks which are open to our members, and some of which are available via Zoom.  Check out their website at:

Warwickshire in WWII

The link below takes you to a fascinating article about WWII in the locality, keep going to the end to read about PoW Camp 31 at Ettington.

Other local on-line offerings:

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery: Life through a Lens virtual tour

Warwick Castle Virtual Tour, relevant to next Friday’s talk….

Sibford Ferris Dig Open Day Thursday 18th November 11.00 – 12.00.  Oxford Archaeology and Gade Homes are showing the evidence of iron age occupation at their excavation in Sibford Ferris.  Email if you would like to attend.  The OA blog is at

Don’t forget to check our own website at:

Kineton and District Local History Group (

KDLHG Committee

PresidentRobert Bearman MBE    
Chairman David Freke   
Vice-Chairman   Roger Gaunt
SecretaryIlona Sekacz 
TreasurerAlec Hitchman
Outings SecretaryIsobel Gill  
Programme Secretary  Claire Roberts   
Other committee members:Rosemary Collier 
George Lokuciejewski
Catherine Petrie
Pamela Redgrave 
Peter Waters 

Committee News.  There has been no committee meeting since the October Newsletter, but I can report that a fortnight ago we submitted a new application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for help with financing the proposed archive room behind the stage.  We hope to hear whether we have been successful before Christmas.  

Date of next Committee meeting: 15th November, 7.00pm, at Pamela Redgrave’s home by kind invitation: 8 King John’s Road, Kineton, CV35 0HS

DF 14.11.21

Contact:  David Freke


07876 290044

Newsletter October 2021

NEWSLETTER 10th October 2021

Agricultural labourers 1870. TUC library.

October Evening Talk. Our next session in the Village Hall on Friday 15th October at 7.30pm will be led by Michal Luntley with his folk trio, in an evening entitled From This Ground: songs and stories about 19thcentury Warwickshire agricultural workers. The 19th century saw a see-saw in the fortunes of the farming community. The mid-century was a period of prosperity innovation and expansion, at least for estate owners, but from the 1870s there was a catastrophic downturn. The late 19th century saw a great agricultural depression when labourers wages were often at poverty level.

Michael Luntley with the trio Tricaorach

Activists from our part of Warwickshire played a significant role in the reform of these conditions, started by representatives who came from the agricultural labouring community. Joseph Arch of Barford founded the National Agricultural Labourers Union and became an MP, and Joseph Ashby of Tysoe was a liberal social reformer who championed the agricultural workers’ cause.

The conditions of work, the low wages and the poor state of rural homes, often tied cottages, were the subjects of several inquiries and reports, both official and personal, and cases of hardship were commonplace. Emigration was often the only sensible recourse and villagers from our area migrated to Canada, Australia and New Zealand in search of better lives. From This Ground will include songs, stories and poems about this period of our history, a period which ultimately ushered in the great improvements in agricultural workers’ conditions and wages in the early 20th century.

At present there are no mandatory covid-related restrictions on the use of the village hall, so we expect to present a normal evening. However, we advise that masks should be worn, and that the hand washing facilities be used. Please wrap up warmly as the hall will be ventilated. To minimise risk there will be no tea and biscuits, sorry.

Tram dropping in for a quick one. Photo: Windows on Warwickshire

Report on September meeting. Peter Coulls described the birth, operation and demise of The Warwick and Leamington Tramways. After a stuttering beginning it was inaugurated in 1881 as a horse drawn service on 3’ 6” gauge rails. The timetable started at 5.30am and the last tram was at 11.07pm – those were the days! The original route from Warwick was intended to go down High Street and through the Eastgate archway, but an official inspection pointed out that the upper deck passengers would lose their heads. The suggestion that they could dismount and walk around the arch to reboard on the other side was deemed unworkable, and the line was diverted round the arch. he resulting sharp curve was an accident waiting to happen which it duly did in 1916, when a speeding tram left the tracks and crashed through the wall of the Castle Arms. A postcard photographer was rapidly on the scene to immortalise the incident.  The horse drawn carriages were replaced by electric cars in 1905, and the gauge changed to the standard 4’ 8” of the main line railways. Peter Coulls showed many historic pictures of Warwick and Leamington in the background of shots of the tramway and its often crowded carriages. As an archaeologist I was pleased to see that, although all trace of the tramway was supposed to have been ripped up in 1931 at the end of the tramway, which was confirmed to have been done, a stretch of line was spotted (by Mrs Coulls) in a service trench. The limitations of documents! The evening was thoroughly absorbing, and Peter gave a fascinating insight into local transport a century ago.

Membership. If you are a Member of the group but have not paid your 2021 subscription yet (£10) our NEW Treasurer Alec Hitchman awaits! You can pay by cheque made payable to Kineton and District Local History Group, sent or delivered to Alec Hitchman, The Hills Farm, Pillerton Hersey, WARKS, CV35 0QQ, or by BACS to our bank business account:

name: Kineton and District Local History Group,

sort code: 40-43-19;

acc. no. 71281992. Please be sure to include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment! Or you can pay at the talk.

2021 Programme update:

Oct 15 Michael Luntley: From This Ground: songs and stories about 19thcentury Warwickshire agricultural workers

Nov 19 Ellie Reid Dressing up the Past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century pageant movement in Warwickshire.

Dec 10 Christmas treats


Jan 21 George Derbyshire: Arts and Crafts in the Cotswolds

Feb 18 James Ranahan: The Photographer’s Gaze: Viewing Warwickshire Since 1839

Mar 18 AGM

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it.

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom! Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up-to-date lists.

British Association for Local History. The Group is also a Member of BALH and they run lectures and talks which are open to our members, and some of which are available via Zoom. Check out their website at:

Thursday, 21st October.  David Beaumont, Catherine Petrie and Jenny Handscombe were part of a group of volunteers who transcribed Loss Accounts from the Civil War.  The Battle of Edge Hill took place on October 23 and Warmington Heritage Group present their findings in the church at Radway where David was instrumental in getting Heritage Lottery funding for the Civil War exhibition. For details:

Warwickshire in WWII

The link below takes you to a fascinating article about WWII in the locality, keep going to the end to read about PoW Camp 31 at Ettington.

Other local on-line offerings:

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery Life through a Lens virtual tour

Warwick Castle Virtual Tour

Don’t forget to check our own website at:

Kineton and District Local History Group (

KDLHG Committee

President: Robert Bearman MBE

Chairman   David Freke

Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt

Secretary   Ilona Sekacz

Treasurer   Alec Hitchman

Outings Secretary Isobel Gill  Rosemary Collier

Programme Secretary  Claire Roberts

Membership Secretary  Pam Redgrave

Other Committee Members

Catherine Petrie

Peter Waters

Rosemary Collier

George Lokuciejewski

Breaking News. Our former Treasurer Ted Crofts has now left us for pastures new, but long live the new Treasurer: Alec Hitchman, who volunteered to take on the mantle at our September meeting.

Committee News. The committee met on 16th September, at Pamela Redgrave’s home. We heard that our finances are in good order, with both outings making a profit, and the membership up to 70. Alec Hitchman agreed to take the position of Treasurer, ensuring a seamless transition from Ted. Pamela Redgrave volunteered to look after the Membership, a job that Ted had also carried out. Topic suggestions for 2021-22 included the Coventry Blitz, Roman Cooking, the history of Kineton schools, village food and drink, and the history of pest control. Outing venues in 2022 considered were Henley in Arden, Knapton on the Hill, Brailes, Wootten Wawen, the Shipston Museum and the Wellesbourne Horticultural Research Station. If members wish to suggest speakers or raise any matters for consideration by the committee please talk to one of the committee at our meetings or contact the Chairman.

Date of next Committee meeting: 15th November, 7.00pm, at Pamela Redgrave’s home by kind invitation: 8 King John’s Road, Kineton, CV35 0HS

DF 11.10.21

Contact: David Freke


07876 290044

Newsletter September 2021

Newsletter September 2021

tramSeptember Evening Talk.  Our next talk in the Village Hall on Friday 17th September will be by Michael Coulls and Alan Jennings describing the Warwick and Leamington Tramways

This operation started in 1881 running trams from outside the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick to Leamington Spa Station.  Until 1905 the cars were horse drawn but from then until 1930 the route was electricity powered.  The only surviving car is horse drawn Car no. 1, preserved in an unrestored condition in the National Tramway Museum in Crich, Derbyshire.

 The original paintwork is faded but the words LEAMINGTON AND WARWICK TRAMWAY COMPANY can still be seen on the side.  Some members may recollect a wonderful Group  coach trip in  2007 when we also visited Arkwright’s Cromford Mill nearby. 

At present there are no mandatory covid related restrictions on the use of the village hall, so we expect to present a normal evening illustrated talk. 

It advised that masks should be worn, that the hand washing facilities be used, and the hall will be ventilated.  If this situation changes we will immediately inform our members and friends, and set out whatever precautions or arrangements may be needed to allow the talk to go ahead. 


Cruck cottage

Sheila and the group by a fine cruck cottage

Report on 2021 Summer Outings.  Isobel’s hard work throughout the pandemic restrictions finally came to fruition with our first two outings since 2019: in August we were treated to an expert and informative tour round Stoneleigh by Sheila Woolf; and in early September your Chairman led a walk around the sites of the recent excavations on the fields of the Herb Centre.     

First Stoneleigh.  The history of the village has benefitted from Nat Alcock’s researches into its wonderful documentary and architectural evidence, illuminating the life of the community from the 16th to 18th centuries.  Sheila has carried on that work with energy and commitment; for example, leading the Stoneleigh History Society not just to survey of the churchyard but also to dig out the biographies of the individuals where possible, and publishing the results on the Society’s website. This, together with her research on the Leighs of Stoneleigh Abbey, informed her descriptions of the village and its community.  Stoneleigh was owned by the Leighs until the middle of the 20th century, and as well as cottages they enriched the village with many welfare buildings.  The fine red sandstone almshouses where we met, endowed in 1558, housed 5 men and 5 women (count the chimneys).  The Victorians built a separate one for women, one wonders what happened to elderly married couples then?  The Leighs also built the school and the village club, but no pub!  

Monument to Alice

The monument to Alice, Duchess of Dudley and her daughter, 1668

The village has a fine assemblage of cruck-built  houses, as well as many timber-framed buildings, and we were introduced to examples of both.  One had been the house of a fuller, an historic but noxious industrial activity, using urine to degrease woollen cloth, with mills driven by the nearby River Sowe.  Fulling is a very ancient process – remember Vespasian taxing urine in Rome in the 1st century CE!    The Leigh family monuments can be seen in the church, where charitable donations by the family and other notables are recorded in gold letters on the gallery panels.  The church has a stunning chancel arch that looks so fine that it fooled me into wondering whether the Victorians had a hand in it, but no, it’s 12th century.  The chancel is dominated by a formidable black and white monument, completely filling the north wall, a memorial to a mother and daughter, erected in 1668.  The Leigh Chapel now houses a fine exhibition of the work of the History Society, including a “Snapshot” of village life compiled by the Stoneleigh WI in the 1980s. We have of course our own Kineton snapshot taken in 2008, in our archive.   The Stoneleigh visit was a great success, thanks to Sheila, the weather, and the relief of being able to meet as a group again. 

The group with David holding forth and Richard just holding

On September 8th we took an afternoon stroll around the fields at the Warmington Herb Centre on one of the hottest days for the time of year.  We gathered in the shade of convenient trees and hedges to survive the heat as we viewed the sites of the recent dig.  Despite the excavations being backfilled and invisible, our Chairman described the 4,000 years of history unearthed at the sites, emphasising the role of the landscape.  In default of actual holes in the ground to look into, David promoted Richard Hammond to the role of honorary picture displayer. Thank you Richard, and Gill Stewart, for keeping track of the  many sheets of paper.  The excavations unearthed a Neolithic (2500BC) burial of a prominent man, probably under a barrow sited to be seen from a valley settlement.  This was followed by a massive Iron Age bank and ditch (700BC to AD43) cut across the neck of the promontory, intended to mark a territorial boundary rather than a defendable line.  Deliberately levelled and filled in before the Roman invasion of 43CE, it was replaced by a line of large posts, so it still served as some form of division into the Roman period.  A twelve-sided temple was built on the east side, exactly over the Neolithic grave of 2,500 years earlier.   One of the two coin hoards from the excavations was buried inside this structure.  Another temple is suspected on the west; possibly the two temples served as a sort of spiritual passport control as travellers crossed from the domain of one god into that of another?   A few hundred yards brought us to a site of Roman domestic occupation and other activities, with a collection of five buildings.  They spanned the whole Roman period – 43 to 410CE –  each replacing the one before, but each built differently as to size, shape and construction method.  Their functions remain obscure, but one concealed a second early coin hoard.  A large hunting dog had been buried to guard a late Roman pit, and a tiny lapdog was buried outside one of the buildings.  These high-status animals, together with a pet eagle and the two coin hoards are at odds with the peasant economy evident from the domestic debris from the site.  Our speculation is that the earlier “boundary” character of the area persisted into the Roman period and the function of the establishment was connected somehow with the management of this liminal zone, involving at least one wealthy individual.  The picture of the Roman exploitation of the area, previously thought to be devoid of high-status sites, has recently been turned on its head by the discovery of the huge Roman villa only a few kilometres away on the Broughton Castle estate.  So history is made.

Membership.   If you are a Member of the group but have not paid your 2021 subscription yet (£10) our Treasurer awaits!  You can pay by cheque made payable to Kineton and District Local History Group, sent or delivered, until the end of the month (see Breaking News below) to Ted Crofts, 5 Bank Close, Butlers Marston,  CV35 0NL,  or by BACS to our bank business account, name: Kineton and District Local History Group, sort code: 40-43-19; acc. no. 71281992. Please be sure to include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment!  Or you can pay at the talk. 

2021 Programme update: 

Sep 17              Peter Coulls and Alan Jennings: The Warwick and Leamington Tramways 

Oct 15              Michael Luntley: From This Ground: songs and stories about 19th century Warwickshire agricultural workers 

Nov 19            Ellie Reid  Dressing up the Past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century pageant movement in Warwickshire.

Dec 10           Christmas treats


Jan   21            George Derbyshire:  Arts and Crafts in the Cotswolds

Feb 18             James Ranahan: The Photographer’s Gaze: Viewing Warwickshire Since 1839

Mar 18            AGM

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it. 

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom!  Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up-to-date lists.

Time Team is returning with feature on Broughton Castle Roman Villa.  See link below for article:

Warwickshire in WWII

The link below takes you to a fascinating article about WWII in the locality, keep going to the end to read about PoW Camp 31 at Ettington.

Council for British Archaeology West Midlands

CBA West Midlands have also given details of local history and archaeology podcasts.

Amongst several podcasts about the region CBAWM has recently released podcasts by Dr Roger White of the University of Birmingham on Wroxeter Roman city and the Roman West Midlands.

Other local on-line offerings:

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery Life through a Lens virtual tour

Warwick Castle Virtual Tour


Don’t forget to check our own website at:

Kineton and District Local History Group (


KDLHG Committee

President:                                Robert Bearman MBE                          

Chairman                                David Freke                                     

Vice-Chairman                        Roger Gaunt                                         

Secretary                                  Ilona Sekacz                                          

Treasurer                                 Ted Crofts                                               

Outings Secretary                    Isobel Gill                                              

Programme Secretary              Claire Roberts                                

Other committee members

George Lokuciejewski

Catherine Petrie

Peter Waters

Rosemary Collier

Alec Hitchman

Pam Redgrave

Breaking News.  Our Treasurer Ted Crofts is leaving the area for pastures new, taking effect in a few weeks.  He has been an exemplary Treasurer, spreading an aura of calm, composure and efficiency.  He has shown the patience of a saint in his dealings with the Kafkaesque machinations of our bank, and the even more baffling administration of PayPal, from which battles he has emerged triumphant.  We will really miss him.  His departure leaves us with vacancy for Treasurer; please consider whether you or a shyer fellow member might follow in his footsteps. 

The committee has not met since the report in the August Newsletter. 

Date of next Committee meeting: 16th September.  If members wish to raise any matters for consideration by the committee please talk to one of the committee at our meetings or contact the Chairman. 

DF 13.09.21

Contact:  David Freke


07876 290044

Newsletter August 2021

NEWSLETTER 7th August 2021

Summer Outings. Isobel has been working hard throughout the covid restrictions to arrange our summer outings, and we can now confirm that the visit to Stoneleigh village will take place on 27th August. This is our first opportunity for over 18 months to meet in person and we hope to see many of you again as we start to resume normal service. As we will be mainly in the open air wearing masks is not mandatory, but some members may feel more comfortable taking precautions. That is a personal choice. Meet at 6.30 at The Green where there is a rustic bench under a tree. It may not accommodate all who attend so be early for a seat! As a useful landmark there is a red telephone box opposite the bench.

For car parking: it is suggested that you aim for the signposts to the church and park by the meadow in Vicarage Road. You get there from The Green by passing in front of the telephone box and the lovely stone almshouses, and the meadow is a 100m or so on the left-hand side. Consider car sharing please, to limit the parking in this small village.

The walk will be led by Sheila Woolf, whose delightful talk on Cordelia Leigh of Stoneleigh Abbey many of you will remember. The trip will include a visit to the church as well as examining the outstanding examples of vernacular buildings in the village. Refreshments unfortunately will not be provided. The cost is £5.00 per head. Those who have already paid but cannot attend this rescheduled trip will be reimbursed, or their money credited against future events. Members and friends who have not pre-paid can pay at the event. Could everybody intending to come please let Isobel know asap so Sheila can ensure the parking arrangements are adequate and what size of group to expect. Please contact Isobel on or phone her on 01926640426.

On Wednesday September 8th David Freke will lead an afternoon walk, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm, around the fields at the Warmington Herb Centre to the sites of the recent excavations there. The excavations unearthed a Neolithic (2500BC) burial, a massive Iron Age ditch (700BC to AD43), several Roman buildings and two large 1st century coin hoards, now on dispay in Warwick Museum. The local topography is the key to understanding how prehistoric, Roman and later communities lived and exploited this landscape, and it has implications for the wider region. The cost will be £5.00. The Herb Centre Café will be open, and can provide a tea at an additional cost (tbc).Warmington Herb Centre

Please contact Isobel on or phone her on 01926640426 or phone David Freke (; phone 07876 290044) to book a place. As with the Stoneleigh visit, payment can be made at the venue, but we will need numbers for the trip and the café.

Just a reminder that booking is necessary for both trips, please email or phone David Freke (; phone 07876 290044) or Isobel Gill ( to book a place. You can pay by cheque made payable to Kineton and District Local History Group, sent or delivered to Ted Crofts, 5 Bank Close, Butlers Marston, CV35 0NL, or by BACS to our bank business account, name: Kineton and District Local History Group, sort code: 40-43-19; acc. no. 71281992. Please be sure to include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment! Or you can pay at the venue.

As most of you will be aware it is considered not viable to book a coach to Croome Park this year so reluctantly this trip is postponed, and may be reviewed for 2022.

September Evening Talk. Our next talk in the Village Hall on Friday 17th September will be by Michael Coulls and Alan Jennings describing the Warwick and LeamingtonTramways.

This operation started in 1881 running trams from outside the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick to Leamington Spa Station. Until 1905 the cars were horse drawn but from then until 1930 the route was electricity powered. The only surviving car is horse drawn Car no. 1, preserved in an unrestored condition in the National Tramway Museum in Crich, Derbyshire.

The original paintwork is faded but the words LEAMINGTON AND WARWICK TRAMWAY COMPANY can still be seen on the side. Some members may recollect a wonderful Group coach trip in 2007 when we also visited Arkwright’s Cromford Mill nearby. At present there are no covid related restrictions on the use of the village hall, so we expect to present a normal evening illustrated talk. If this situation changes we will immediately inform our members and friends, and set out whatever precautions or arrangements may be needed to allow the talk to go ahead.

Report on May 21st Zoom talk by Dr Stanley Ireland of Warwick University. A total of 36 households logged in representing 43 participants. Dr Ireland described the two South Warwickshire Roman Coin Hoards found locally in recent years, concentrating on the most recent one of over 450 silver denarii recovered as part of a more extensive archaeological excavation. Both hoards have been acquired by Warwick Museum and are on display. Dr Ireland has carried out the formal identifications for the Museum and recognised some extremely rare items amongst the second assemblage. Of particular interest are the 30 plus coins which derive from AD 69, the “Year of the Four Emperors” which followed Nero’s suicide. Emperors Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian followed one another in quick and violent succession, with Vespasian emerging as the stabilising individual whose reign lasted 10 years. He taxed urine (essential in the tanning trade) and financed the Colosseum. Fair exchange?

Dr Ireland pointed out the political messages hidden in the symbols and scenes stamped into the coins. The cap of liberty with a dagger symbolised the freedom from tyranny claimed to result from the assassination of Julius Caesar; a cornucopia obviously promised a return to plenty and wealth. The portraits of the emperors are also revealing, Otho wears an elaborate tidy wig, Vitellius is fat with a double chin, Galba looks military and pugnacious and Vespasian wears a victor’s wreath. Altogether the hoards represent an early period of the Roman occupation of Britain, and their deposition poses some questions about the purpose of their burial, and wider issues about the site of the find. The questions from the participants at the end of Dr Ireland’s talk reflected some of these issues – eg how much was a denarius worth? A legionary earned about 200 denarii per year compared with a present UK private soldier’s £20,000 pa. The 1st hoard contained 1,156 coins, the second one about 450, so their combined value in today’s money would be about £150,000. Of course, this calculation is not really valid given the widely differing values of goods and services between Roman and modern society, but it does suggest somebody had access to some serious cash.

2021 Programme update:

Aug. 27 Sheila Woolf: Guided Tour of Stoneleigh, meet at 6.30pm at The Green, Stoneleigh

(NB change of date}

Sept 8th David Freke: A walk in a prehistoric and Roman landscape at Warmington,

meet 2.00pm Herb Centre car park

Sep 17Peter Coulls: Warwick and Leamington Tramways

Oct 15 Michael Luntley: From This Ground: songs and stories about 19thcentury Warwickshire agricultural workers 

Nov 19Ellie Reid Dressing up the Past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century pageant movement in Warwickshire.

Dec 10 Christmas treats


Jan 21 George Derbyshire: Arts and Crafts in the Cotswolds

Feb 18 James Ranahan: The Photographer’s Gaze: Viewing Warwickshire Since 1839

Mar 18 AGM

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it. Even in a strict lockdown we intend to continue virtual meetings online on the regular dates, but they may not be by the speakers or on the topics set out in the current 2021-22 Programme. Please be patient if an eagerly awaited talk is postponed. We will try to re-schedule any speaker not suited to the Zoom route. Our Zoom presentations have all been recorded and we will discuss showing these in the Village Hall to members who do not have access to Zoom.

Planned Kineton Village Day Saturday 10th July – cancelled. The Kineton Art Group and Kineton Camera Club hoped to set up a village “get together” for village groups and clubs to promote their activities following the long lockdown over the past year. This was to be associated with the Centenary Re-dedication of the War memorial, originally unveiled on July 10th 1921. K&DLHG members intended to mount an exhibition in the churchyard, joining other village organisations. I understand that there may be an attempt to revive this idea for 2022.

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom! Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up-to-date lists.

Council for British Archaeology West Midlands

CBA West Midlands have also given details of local history and archaeology podcasts.

Amongst several podcasts about the region CBAWM has recently released podcasts by Dr Roger White of the University of Birmingham on Wroxeter Roman city and the Roman West Midlands.

Other local on-line offerings:

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery Life through a Lens virtual tour

Warwick Castle Virtual Tour

A fascinating account of local WWII German POWs can be found with this link.

Don’t forget to check our own website at:

Kineton and District Local History Group (

KDLHG Committee

Chairman David Freke

Vice-Chairman Roger Gaunt

Secretary Ilona Sekacz

Treasurer Ted Crofts

Outings Secretary Isobel Gill

Other committee members

Catherine Petrie

Peter Waters

Alex hitchman

Rosemary Collier

Pam Redgrave

George Lokuciejewski

The committee met via Zoom on 29th June.

Ted reported that we have 45 paid-up members, our finances remain in a healthy condition, and the newly achieved access to our Paypal account revealed that we have nearly £100 from the sale of the Village History book online. Ted reported the donation of £60.00 from Gill Ashley-Smith to be put towards costs of archiving. An invoice for £486.00 for the next 4 years was received from our internet service provider, and it was agreed that we should explore the costs of annual payments [post meeting note: the invoice is in line with our previous payments, and considerably cheaper per year than annual payments, agreed to pay it] Our recently published book of essays by Peter Ashley-Smith has not sold many copies during lockdown, but the resumption of our evening talks in September should get sales moving again. The other outlets in the village have also been affected by lockdown but should be revisited as things open up. It was agreed to wait a little longer before offering the book on line. Alec suggested the Community Library as an outlet for sales. Pam suggested recording the book or extracts of it, a suggestion to be explored further.

Claire and Isobel confirmed the meetings and outings arrangements to date (see Programme section above Lucie has added a counter to record the hits on the web site, and Roger reported that we had an average of 150 “hits” per month, many from non-members, some from as far away as Holland and Australia. The time spent on the site varied from one and half to three minutes.

Date of next Committee meeting. tbc

DF 06.08.21

Contact: David Freke


07876 290044

Newsletter May 2021

NEWSLETTER 16th May 2021


Photo of Roman CoinsOur forthcoming talk on Friday 21st May at 7.30 pm will be presented by Dr Stanley Ireland of Warwick University. He will describe the two South Warwickshire Roman Coin Hoards found locally in recent years, in particular the most recent one of over 450 silver denarii recovered as part of a more extensive archaeological excavation. Both hoards have been acquired by Warwick Museum and are on display – as covid restrictions permit. Dr Ireland has carried out the formal identifications for the Museum and recognised some extremely rare items amongst the assemblage. Altogether the hoards represent an early period of the Roman occupation of Britain, and their deposition poses some questions about the purpose of their burial, and wider issues about the site of the find. A Zoom invitation will be emailed on Thursday 20th.

Back Tracks: detecting the past: report on our talk on 16th April.

Colin Clay and Phil Taylor showed how the historic landscape can be investigated using remote sensing techniques, coupled with maps and field survey. Colin took us through the discoveries made possible by LiDAR surveys, revealing with extraordinary clarity features previously hidden in woodland or obscured by the subtleties of topography. He used many local sites, such as the circular churchyard at Chadshunt and the iron age banks at Wappenbury, to demonstrate the capabilities of the methodology. Both Colin and Phil showed how to access the rich resources available to the researcher on the internet. Phil especially expanded on the potential of map resources to reveal earlier landscape patterns, suggesting that there is a widespread “ladder” plan, based on the standard Roman actus measure, and a preferred orientation, which was used by in the Roman period to set out settlements and fields. Phil observed that these factors are still discernible in the layout of modern villages and in the landscape. This ambitious suggestion requires much detailed historical examination to ensure that the elements used to support it are indeed survivors from the Roman period and not more recent features.

Summer Outings. Isobel has been working hard in the covid situation to arrange our June, July and August outings, and we are confident that the evening visits will go ahead in June to Stoneleigh, and in July to the Warmington historic landscape, but it is considered not viable to book a coach to Croome Park in August. Reluctantly this trip is postponed, and may be reviewed for 2022.

Our June 25th evening visit to Stoneleigh village will be led by Sheila Woolf, whose delightful talk on Cordelia Leigh of StoneleighStoneleigh Abbey many of you will remember. The trip will include a visit to the church as well as examining the outstanding collection of vernacular buildings in the village. Please note the date is now rescheduled for 25th June. Refreshments may be provided, subject to covid restrictions. The cost is £5.00 per head. Could members who intend to go please let us know as soon as possible so we can tell Sheila how many to expect.

Warmington Herb CentreThe evening walk around the fields at the Warmington Herb Centre on July 16th will be led by David Freke who carried out the excavations there. The local topography is the key to understanding how prehistoric, Roman and later communities lived and exploited this landscape, and it has implications for the wider region. The cost will be £5.00.

Booking is necessary for both trips, please email or phone David Freke (; phone 07876 290044) or Isobel Gill ( to book a place. You can pay by cheque made payable to Kineton and District Local History Group, sent or delivered to Ted Crofts, 5 Bank Close, Butlers Marston,  CV35 0NL , or by BACS to our bank business account, name: Kineton and District Local History Group, sort code: 40-43-19; acc no. 71281992. Please be sure to include your full name so we can correctly attribute your subscription!

2021 Programme update:

May 21Dr Stanley Ireland: The South Warwickshire Roman coin hoards:

June 25 Sheila Woolf: Guided Tour of Stoneleigh, subject to covid regulations

(NB change of date}

July 16 David Freke: A walk in a prehistoric and Roman landscape at Warmington

Aug. Day trip to Croome Court, postponed

Sep 17 Peter Coulls: Warwick and Leamington Tramways

Oct 15 Michael Luntley: From This Ground: songs and stories about 19thcentury Warwickshire agricultural workers  (a performance, so subject to covid restrictions)

Nov 19Ellie Reid Dressing up the Past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century pageant movement in Warwickshire.

Dec 10 Christmas treats


Jan 21 George Derbyshire: Arts and Crafts in the Cotswolds

Feb 18 tbc

Mar 18 AGM

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it. Even in a strict lockdown we intend to continue virtual meetings online on the regular dates, but they may not be by the speakers or on the topics set out in the current 2021-22 Programme. Please be patient if an eagerly awaited talk is postponed. We will try to re-schedule any speaker not suited to the Zoom route.

Kineton Village Day Saturday 10th July. The Kineton Art Group and Kineton Camera Club are working together to set up a village “get together” for village groups and clubs to promote their activities following the long lockdown over the past year. This will be associated with the Centenary Re-dedication of the War memorial, originally unveiled on July 10th 1921. K&DLHG members will man an exhibition in the churchyard, joining other village organisations.

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom! Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up-to-date lists.

Council for British Archaeology West Midlands

CBA West Midlands have also given details of local history and archaeology podcasts.

Amongst several podcasts about the region CBAWM has recently released podcasts by Dr Roger White of the University of Birmingham on Wroxeter Roman city and the Roman West Midlands.

Other local on-line offerings:

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery Life through a Lens virtual tour

Warwick Castle Virtual Tour

A fascinating account of local WWII German POWs can be found with this link.

Don’t forget to check our own website at:

Kineton and District Local History Group (

KDLHG Committee Matters.

Chairman David Freke

Vice-Chairman Roger Gaunt

Secretary Ilona Sekacz

Treasurer Ted Crofts

Outings Secretary Isobel Gill

Programme Secretary Claire Roberts

Other committee members

Catherine Petrie

Peter Waters

Alex Hitchman

Rosemary Collier

Pam Redgrave

George Lokuciejewski

The new committee met via Zoom for the first time on 27th April.

The quartet of Ted, Roger, Richard (Hurley) and Lucie have continued their efforts to unravel the PayPal problem [post-meeting note: success! after only a year of Kafka-esque responses from PayPal].

Ted reported that we have 45 paid up members, and Roger pointed out that we now have a Membership Application Form on our website. Could past members who wish to remain members but have yet to pay the subscription please use this opportunity to re-join us.

Claire and Isobel confirmed the meetings and outings arrangements to date (see Programme section above). Roger was asked to see if Lucie could add a counter to record the hits on the web site.

Date of next meeting. 7.00pm 29th June at Pam Redgrave’s house: 8 King John’s Road, Kineton

DF 16.05.21

Contact: David Freke


07876 290044

Newsletter April 2021

KDLHG logo header

NEWSLETTER 10th April 2021


Our talk on 16th April, to be given by Colin Clay and Phil Taylor, they have entitled Back Tracks: detecting the past. They will show how the historic landscape can be investigated using 3D mappingremote sensing techniques, coupled with maps and field survey. They will explore the possibilities recently opened up by the free online availability of Lidar images, together with the use of metal detectors, aerial photographs and the Portable Antiquities Scheme data resources. Colin and Phil have spent several years using these methods to explore the evidence for historic activities surviving in local landscapes, and we look forward to hearing about these cutting edge techniques, and finding and what exactly “Lidar “ stands for.

Report on our meeting on Friday February 19. Professor John Hunter described the progress of The Making of Tysoe Project which formally commenced almost exactly a year ago, just before the first covid-19 lockdown. This ambitious project aims to integrate and expand the many strands of information about the historical development of Tysoe parish.

Professor Hunter demonstrated how it is intended to integrate the evidence from landscape survey, geophysics, place-/field-name records, population profiles, structural analysis of the church and other buildings, documentary searches, archaeology and history. All this will continue in parallel with recording church iconography, village memorials and well-heads/springs together with collating and digitising vulnerable records, photographs and genealogical information housed variously around the village. The survey of the churchyard is complete and will soon be uploaded to the web, enabling researchers and family historians to access the wealth of data collected, on the model of the Kineton survey completed nearly a decade ago. His talk was well supported and several new members were recruited.

Report on 33nd (Remote) Annual General Meeting – 19 March 2021

The AGM papers were circulated via email and post. Our President Dr Robert Bearman managed the business of the meeting and a formal election resulted in the following members of the committee being elected:

Chairman                          David Freke

Vice-Chairman                Roger Gaunt

Secretary                         Ilona Sekacz

Treasurer                        Ted Crofts

Outings Secretary          Isobel Gill

Programme Secretary  Claire Roberts

Other committee members

Catherine Petrie

Peter Waters

Alex Hitchman

Rosemary Collier

Pam Redgrave

George Lokuciejewski

We are pleased to welcome back the 2020 committee and delighted to have elected four new members, Alex, Rosemary, Pam and George, who handsomely responded to our call for new nominees. We look forward to the next year with the hope that covid restrictions will be lifted in time for our autumn talks to go ahead in the Village Hall. Our summer outings are expected to take place, but may be subject to changes in government advice, but watch this space for updates.


Many of you will have heard that our long-term member Bob Bob and Val BriggsBriggs died suddenly recently. Our condolences to Val and his family for their loss. His association with the village went back many decades, long before my tenure as Chairman, and many members will have known him far better than I.

I do however remember Bob with great affection. From his accustomed seat on the back row he often asked speakers the direct question many members wanted answering, as well as offering acute observations of his own.

He was a stalwart of the local choir, the Swan Singers, and we had several opportunities to hear his fine bass in several of our Christmas Treats sessions. His “Old Man River” was particularly moving, and equally memorable was his scamper through his beloved Gilbert and Sullivan, taking both male and female roles in his stride. His engagement with the group was typified by his contributions to our meetings, outings and members’ presentations.

Characteristically he sent a piece to our lockdown Memorable Christmas session in December 2020. He will be missed. DF

2021 Programme update:

April 16 Colin Clay and Phil Taylor: Back Tracks:  detecting the past

May 21 Dr Stanley Ireland: The South Warwickshire Roman coin hoards:

June 11 Sheila Woolf: Guided Tour of Stoneleigh, subject to covid regulations

July 16 David Freke A walk in a prehistoric and Roman landscape at Warmington

Aug. Day trip to Croome Court, to be confirmed

Sep 17 Peter Coulls: Warwick and Leamington Tramways 

Oct 15 Michael Luntley: From This Ground: songs and stories about 19thcentury Warwickshire agricultural workers  (a performance, so subject to covid restrictions)

Nov 19 Ellie Reid Dressing up the Past: the 1906 Warwick Pageant and the 20th century pageant movement in Warwickshire.

Dec 10 Christmas treats


January 21 tbc

February 18 tbc

March 18 AGM

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it. Even in a strict lockdown we intend to continue virtual meetings online on the regular dates, but they may not be by the speakers or on the topics set out in the current 2021-22 Programme. Please be patient if an eagerly awaited talk is postponed. We will try to re-schedule any speaker not suited to the Zoom route.

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

WLHS Annual General Meeting via Zoom on Tuesday 20 April at 7.15pm, followed by Professor Chris Dyer who will speak about ‘Immigrants in Warwickshire: a mobile population 1200-1525′

Please see their website for a summary of the talk and the forthcoming WLHS programme, and click on this link to register your attendance for their talks:

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom! Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up to date lists.

Council for British Archaeology West Midlands

CBA West Midlands have also given details of local history and archaeology podcasts.

Amongst several podcasts about the region CBAWM has recently released podcasts by Dr Roger White of the University of Birmingham on Wroxeter Roman city and the Roman West Midlands.

Other local on-line offerings:

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery Life through a Lens virtual tour

Warwick Castle Virtual Tour

Walk around the UNESCO Black Country Geopark . If you’re local to the Black Country there are many Geosites to walk and exercise in within the UNESCO Black Country Geopark (and for everyone else once lockdown is over)

KDLHG Committee Matters.

There has been no committee since the last Newsletter

DF 10.04.21

Contact: David Freke


07876 290044

32nd (remote) Annual General Meeting 2020

Dear Member

Please find attached the papers for the KDLHG 2020 AGM.

Please note that because of the need to conduct this business remotely, if you wish to comment on the reports, nominate members for the committee or register a “ no” vote on the current nominations  you will need to either email, phone or write to the Chairman or Secretary to be received by midnight Sunday 5th April.  No response will be taken as meaning that you have no objection to the reports, and as support for the current nominations.  Any new nominations for the committee will be put to the membership  for consideration by email and post.  Please do consider nominating new members for the committee, having first obtained their consent of course.

Thank you for your patience while we have arranged these matters, which I hope will prove effective in continuing the management of the Group.

I wish you well and hope that things will rapidly return to normal, and we can meet together again soon.

David Freke,  Chairman

AGENDA        32nd (Remote) Annual General Meeting – 31 March 2020

1)           Introduction.

As you will be aware in the current health crisis your Committee has had to cancel the 2020 32nd AGM meeting, but we are still obliged to continue the administration of the Group, electing committee members and officers, receiving and approving our accounts and receiving the reports of the Treasurer and Chairman.  Rather than hold over the AGM until the crisis has abated, which would entail an unknown period of delay and uncertainty, we have decided to conduct a “Remote AGM”.  We are circulating by email and post the 2020 AGM Agenda, the draft Minutes of the 2019 AGM, the Treasurers Report and Accounts, and the Chairman’s Report.  They are attached to this email, or accompany this letter in the post.

Members are encouraged to make any comments they may wish, as in a normal meeting, but by email, phone or post.

In the matter of the election of the Committee and Officers, the names of nominees so far received are set out in the Agenda, with the invitation to members to nominate new committee members, including themselves.   The committee is currently too small for comfort and nominations for new members are welcome.  A vote for the nominees as set out in the Agenda will require no action, any vote against will require an email, phone call or letter to that effect.  The names of any new nominations with any supporting information must be received by the Secretary or Chairman by midnight on Sunday April 5th, and they will be immediately put to the membership, with a deadline for votes at midnight on Sunday April 12th.

2)           Apologies for absence

3)           Minutes of 31st AGM held on 15 March 2019

4)           Chairman’s Report

5)           Treasurer’s Report

6)           Appointment of a competent person to examine the Group’s 2020 annual accounts.  :

Proposed               Peter Waters

7)           Election of Officers


(1)  Chairman                         David Freke      Any further nominations

(2)  Vice-Chairman                Roger Gaunt     Any further nominations?

(3)  Secretary                       Ilona Sekacz      Any further nominations?

(4)  Treasurer                      Ted Crofts         Any further nominations?

(5)  Outings Secretary         Isobel Gill            Any further nominations?

(6)  Programme Secretary       vacant                Any nominations?


8)           Election of Other Members of the Committee


Claire Roberts

Catherine Petrie

Peter Waters

Any further nominations?

9)           Next Year’s Programme

10)      Any Other Business from members (please email or post AOB contributions)

Send comments or committee  nominations by midnight Sunday 5th April  2020

by email to:

or phone to:

David Freke   01295 670516   or    07876290044

or by post to:

David Freke, or Ilona Sekacz

Westcote Manor Farm



OX15 6HS

 MINUTES of 31st AGM held on 15th March 2019 at 7.30 in Kineton Village Hall

1            Introduction.  The Chairman David Freke welcomed our Honorary President Dr Robert Bearman, members and guests, and invited Dr Bearman to preside over the business of the meeting.

2)           Apologies for absence.   Richard Hurley, Ilona Sekacz, Olive Sekacz, Jackie and Mark Walker, Clive Benfield.

3)           Minutes of 30th AGM held on 16 March 2018, tabled

No matters arising

4)           Chairman’s Report for 2018

Honorary President, Guests, Members,

The continued success of this group depends upon two things:

  • stimulating output in the form of talks, activities, and research which engages our membership and which keeps you, as individuals, feeling that it is worthwhile coming out every third Friday and sitting still for an hour or so, or which stimulates members into engaging with historical issues, and

2) energetic input from individuals to initiate and facilitate our programme, to pursue interesting ideas through the group and to engage with research.

Parts of our output have been demonstrably successful.  Our talks have attracted good numbers of members, and often many visitors as well.  Last year we had a wide mix of topics presented by experts and enthusiasts, addressing locally relevant subjects from Tearooms at Edgehill to Treasure from Warwickshire, and not least Treats at Christmas.  I shall not remind you of all of them, as they are all reported in the monthly Newsletter.  Suffice to say, half of the 2018 programme was provided by our own members, drawing on their own experience and research.  Our trips to Bristol, Long Itchington and the Rollright Stones attracted a hard core of members, who invariably enjoy and appreciate the events, but sometimes in fewer numbers than would make them comfortable economically.  Other aspects of our output are more intermittent.  It is 20 years since the History of Kineton book was published, 11 years since the Snapshot, 8 years since the Churchyard Survey, 7 since the Battlefield Trust collaboration.  The website introduced 5 years ago continues to be accessed worldwide.  Of course, individual contributions to research and its dissemination have been made throughout the Group’s existence, for instance Peter Ashley-Smith’s articles about local history appearing in periodicals and academic journals, and the lectures and talks by members about their personal research topics to other groups and organisations.  We have also taken opportunities to set up our stall and exhibition material at conferences and other events, most recently at the Kineton Village Hall sale in January.  This year will see a significant addition to our output: the publication of a book of Peter’s articles gathered and edited by our President and Gill, with photos from David Beaumont’s extensive collection.  So much for output.

Continued input to support and contribute to these activities is also required.  From what I’ve mentioned it is clear that some members are undertaking research following up their own experiences and disseminating this through our own programme and elsewhere.  We are also contributing to wider research, for instance several members are taking part in Dr Maureen Harris’project, supported by the Friends of Warwick Record Office, to transcribe the Civil War compensation claims in the parishes around us, and we hope to hear more about this in due course.  But new ideas and projects generated within the group are always valuable. We would be keen to hear of any pet project which the group could support.

Key to new work is access to resources, and with Peter’s passing we risk losing access to the wealth of material he collected and produced, and this has reminded us that that other members also hold valuable material.  Many years ago Brian Lewis alerted us to this issue and in my first chairman’s address 11 years ago I also flagged up the management of, and access to, our archives as a priority.  It still is, but we are inching our way, Brexit-like, to a solution.  On behalf of the Group we have proposed to the Village Hall Users Committee that a new mezzanine floor be inserted behind the stage, to be our secure archive store.  We have prepared detailed plans, and a builder, and your committee is awaiting his estimates, and if they are acceptable and within our financial scope we will put the proposal to the VHC for their consideration, and we hope to have a decision in the next few months.

As well as historical inputs we need to support the administrative structure that maintains the Group itself.  Here we are perhaps less robust.  We have lost several long standing and energetic members over the last few years, either through death, relocation or retirement from the committee, and we need to replace them.  The election of the committee is coming up, please consider yourself or your best/worst friend/enemy for nomination.  I am pleased to announce that Ted Crofts is prepared to stand for the role of Treasurer, a huge weight off my mind.

We also have a declining membership, and I would like to think that the new housing developments around Kineton, whatever else they may cause, may also be source of new members.  When you encounter new residents please proselytise shamelessly.

It remains for me to thank the committee for all their hard work,

Roger Gaunt,

Isobel Gill

Steve Gill (who is leaving the committee),

Ilona Sekacz,

Catherine Petrie,

Richard Hurley (another committee loss),

Peter Waters, and

Claire Roberts

And, of course, our Honorary President, whose work on our behalf this year has been unprecedented and essential.

5)           Treasurer’s Report.  First we should heartily thank Richard Hurley who has looked after our accounts for a decade, and for all his meticulous work in keeping us solvent and financially informed.  He has moved to the west country and we wish him well.  There was a gap between Richard’s leaving and our new treasurer elect Ted Crofts taking up the reins, and we are indebted to Peter Waters stepping in to manage things.

The 2018 accounts were tabled, and are summarised below.



Annual subs       690.00

Visitor fees         122.00

Books                     9.21

Outings            1133.50

Bank Int.                9.32

AGM supper     397.50

TOTAL            2,361.53


Rental/Hall        210.00

Misc/IT subs        91.00

Speakers            270.00

Committee        126.00

Outings              986.00

Surplus               294.53

TOTAL             2,361.53


Bank Balance        486.75

Investment A/C  8395.43

Petty cash                  2.16

PaypalA/C                55.51

TOTAL                  8885.13

6)           Appointment of a ‘competent person’ to examine the Group’s 2019 annual accounts.

Peter Waters has agreed to continue to undertake this duty.

7)           Election of Officers

The following members have already been nominated and were elected nem. con.

(1)  Chairman                                 David Freke                     

              (2)  Vice-Chairman                        Roger Gaunt                   

              (3)  Secretary                                  Ilona Sekacz     

              (4)  Treasurer                                 Ted Crofts         

               (5)  Outings Secretary                  Isobel Gill                        

              (6)  Programme Secretary          vacant


8)           Election of Other Members of the Committee

The following members have already been nominated and were elected nem. con.

Claire Roberts

Catherine Petrie

Peter Waters                                


No further nominations were received

Dr Bearman handed over to David Freke to take the Chair

9)           2019  Programme

In 2019 we have already enjoyed:

David Beaumont (Admiral Cowan), and

Ilona Sekacz (Shakespeare and Music)

To come are:

April 26th         Tim Newman The Mills Family and the History of the Pillertons

May 17th          Martin Russell and Tony McKay: Unravelling the Cropredy Campaign

June ??             Visit to Hill Close Gardens Warwick Details to be announced

July 13th           Chipping Camden walk Saturday 10.30   £7.50

August 10th     Ironbridge day trip

Sept 20th         Paul Gaunt:    Shadows of the Past  WWII  memoirs of an RAF man

Oct 18th            Alan Benjamin   Constabulary Tales.  Policing in the 60s

Nov 15th          the doyenne of oral history studies:  Helen Lloyd, Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary                                People

Dec 13th             Victorian drama …….?

Jan 17th 2020   David Freke     Elegy: on country church local masons

Feb 21st 2020      Andrew Baxter       the Edgehill Light Railway

As in last year’s programme we have tried to cover both local and wider topics, and again we have recruited some of our own members as well as well-known presenters.   I hope you all will find some of these of interest, and some of you find them all of interest.  We are indebted to Claire and the committee for arranging these talks so efficiently.

10)      No other Business from the floor

At 8.15pm The business meeting closed to be followed by


Ilona SekaczClaire RobertsIsobel Gill, and Catherine Petrie presented delicacies made from historic recipes, accompanied by short introductions to the ingredients.  Among them were nettle soup (an 18th century regular when green vegetables were scarce, but archaeological evidence dates from 6000BC); pumpes (medieval meat balls); pottage; oatbead; shortbread; marchpane (a variety of almond paste – marzipan); and Banbury cakes.  Our thanks to Ilona, Claire, Isobel and Catherine for providing such stimulating and in some cases surprising tastes of the past.

To round the evening off the Chairman quizzed the group with 20 fiendish questions about historic food.   Probably the most disgusting dishes were some of those on the menu at Queen Elizabeth I visit to Kenilworth Castle: dried sturgeon stomach, pigs’ bladders and whale vomit.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm    DF

Agenda Item 5:  Treasurer’s Report  2019

This is the report on the Finances of Kineton and District Local History Group as at the 31st December 2019.

  • Income for 2019 was a healthy £3048.67 against £2,361.53 for 2018. This was largely due to the sale of the new book by Peter Ashley –Smith.

Although the cost of producing this book (£1250.00) together with the additional cost of the book launch (£141.47) was more than the amount produced from book Sales, the cost has largely been re-cooped (£1,159.90), and this bodes well for the future as any additional sales of the book will now produce additional profit for 2020.

  • The outings for 2019 made a very small loss of £2.40, against a profit of £147.50 in 2018. This shows the importance of having a good number of attendees at these outings, which are laid on for the benefit of the members. We would ask that where you can, you support these outings as any profit goes towards the running of the club.
  • Membership of the club for 2019 was 68, down 1 from 2018, Visitors Fees remained fairly consistent, amounting to £126.00 for 2019, up from £122 for 2018.
  • One additional expense for 2019 was the hire of storage space for the archives, whilst we are awaiting the go ahead on the permanent storage area at the Village Hall. This will be an ongoing expense for 2020 amounting to £30 per month until such time as we can complete the work.
  • There was an overall deficit in 2019 of £27.36, due to the reasons shown above.
  • All in all, the Club is in a healthy financial situation, and should remain so going forward. Funds on hand at the end of 2019 amounted to £8,912.49. Please cross reference with the Chairman’s report for proposed expenditure in 2020.

Ted Crofts, Hon Treasurer

Newsletter February 2021

NEWSLETTER 11th February 2021


Our February meeting on Friday 19 will be a presentation, via Zoom, by Professor John Hunter describing the progress of The Making of Tysoe Project which formally commenced almost exactly a year ago, just before the first covid-19 lockdown. This is an ambitious project which aims to integrate and expand the many strands of information about the historical development of Tysoe parish.

The project looks at the people who lived in the area in prehistoric, Roman, medieval and later times. Key themes are the early settlement patterns, the evolution of the three hamlets, the role of the church, ownership and patronage throughout the centuries, and the ways in which society integrated with its surrounding landscape and resources.

It involves landscape survey, geophysics, place-/field-name records, population profiles, structural analysis of the church and other buildings, documentary searches, archaeology and history. All this will continue in parallel with recording church iconography, village memorials and well heads/springs together with the collation and digitising of vulnerable records, photographs and genealogical information housed variously around the village.

The object is to carry out an audit of Tysoe’s heritage, to safeguard what is important or special and ensure its availability for future generations. It is anticipated the project will create a new guide book for the church, tourist information literature, a web-based archive of data and photographs, appropriate academic papers and, most importantly, a resource that can accessed by anyone and which can be built upon in the future.

Some of this information is already available, the result previous research and collecting, but needs collating and analysing.

Professor Hunter is a resident of Tysoe and has been active in ensuring that the heritage of the village is acknowledged when decisions are being taken which can affect the historical significance of the environment. He has spoken to us before in his capacity as a forensic archaeologist so we can expect a stimulating talk. A Zoom invitation will be emailed to members of the Group and friends on Thursday 18th February. The talk will be recorded, and when the Village Hall becomes available again it will shown to Zoom-free members.

Report on the 15th January talk by our founder member David Beaumont, who presented the work of transcribing claims for compensation following the 17th century civil wars. His work contributes to an ambitious county-wide project initiated by Dr Maureen Harris with the support of the Friends of the Warwickshire County Record Office and the Dugdale Society. The very first page of the Kineton accounts reflects the involvement of the village in the wars, as it details the various troops who were quartered on the inhabitants, including the Earl of Essex’s before and after the battle of Edgehill in 1642, and Cromwell’s troops in 1645. After David’s talk Brian Lewis stumped us all with a question about the date of the siege of Banbury, but this Kineton page mentions “Colonell Fynes and his company when they went to besiege Banbury quartered here [Kineton] one night in July 1644”, so that answers Brian’s query! David also transcribed the Tysoe and Oxhill accounts; a typical one from Tysoe is Henry Eglington’s for the costs of accommodating 15 troops in December 1642, only a few months after Edgehill. We were privileged to have the local accounts set out for us so clearly by David. .The Dugdale Society is planning to publish the edited transcriptions with an analysis by Maureen in due course.

2021 Programme correction: The date given in the last Newsletter for April’s talk was a misprint, the correct date for the talk “Back Tracks” by Colin Clay and Phil Taylor is April 16th. Thank you to the keen eyed who spotted this!


February 19 Professor John Hunter: The Making of Tysoe Project: the story so far.

March 19 AGM (see below)

April 16 Colin Clay and Phil Taylor: Back Tracks:  detecting the past

May 21 Michael Luntley: From This Ground: songs and stories from 19thcentury agricultural workers  (a performance, so subject to covid restrictions)

June 11 Sheila Woolf Guided Tour of Stoneleigh, subject to covid regulations

July and August Summer outings, to be confirmed

September 17 Peter Coulls and Alan Jennings: Warwick and Leamington Tramways 

Oct 15 tbc

Nov 19 tbc

Dec 10 Christmas treats


January 21 tbc

February 18 tbc

March 18 AGM

Official covid advice and regulations may change for better or worse in the coming months, so we will be assessing the programme one meeting at a time and we will confirm each event when we are reasonably confident that we can run it. Even in a strict lockdown we intend to continue virtual meetings online on the regular dates, but they may not be by the speakers or on the topics set out in the current 2021-22 Programme. Please be patient if an eagerly awaited talk is postponed. We will try to re-schedule any speaker not suited to the Zoom route.

The 2021 AGM

In March our 2021 AGM will be conducted by preliminary emails and posts, with a Zoom meeting on March 19th to receive the results of committee nominations and ballots, the Treasurer’s report and the audited accounts, the Chairman’s Report and any other business members may want to raise.

The present committee is perilously low in numbers, comprising just 8 members. This is not sustainable and we urge members seriously to consider joining us in steering the Group’s activities and ensuring that we continue, and continue to represent your interests. The committee work is not onerous, we meet on average 5 times a year for less than 2 hours. If you feel you could contribute please consider putting your name forward for the new committee at the forthcoming AGM. Contact me (details below) or any committee member if you have any queries.

Other Society News

Warwickshire Local History Society

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHG and our members are entitled to join their meetings.

February Talk via Zoom on Tuesday 16 February at 7.30pm, when Adrian Walter will speak about ‘Non-conformist Education and Outreach in Stratford-on-Avon and District 1860 – 1930’.

Please see the website for a summary of the talk and the forthcoming WLHS programme, and click on this link to register your attendance for the February talk:

WLHS Annual General Meeting via Zoom on Tuesday 20 April at 7.15pm, followed by Professor Chris Dyer who will speak about ‘Immigrants in Warwickshire: a mobile population 1200-1525′

Many other local societies are running their talk series via zoom! Check the Warwickshire Local History Society website for up to date lists.

Council for British Archaeology West Midlands

The CBA News from the Past will be held this year as a free on-line event on Saturday March 6.  The day will be hosted by Wessex Archaeology and will feature an appearance from Phil Harding. The day is free….see link below

CBA West Midlands News From the Past Digital 2021 online conference Sat 6th March 10.00am to 4.30pm. Click on the link below for details of programme and how to register to join the meeting.

CBA West Midlands have also given details of local history and archaeology podcasts.

Amongst several podcasts about the region CBAWM has recently released podcasts by Dr Roger White of the University of Birmingham on Wroxeter Roman city and the Roman West Midlands.

Other local on-line offerings:

Virtual Tour of Shrewsbury Castle archaeological excavations

Birmingham Museum virtual tour

Herefordshire Museum and Art Gallery Life through a Lens virtual tour

Warwick Castle Virtual Tour

Explore Staffordshire Tithe maps, recently made available online. Both the maps and the apportionments can be viewed on this newly published resource:

Walk around the UNESCO Black Country Geopark . If you’re local to the Black Country there are many Geosites to walk and exercise in within the UNESCO Black Country Geopark (and for everyone else once lockdown is over)

KDLHG Committee Matters.

The committee met via Zoom on 26th January. The need for more committee members was emphasised by the fact that only 6 of the committee were available for this meeting. The Group’s finances remain healthy, the matter of subs for 2021 will be decided at the March AGM. The December presentations by members about their Memorable Christmases was well received and gave an insight into the widely varying experiences of our community. We considered the speakers needed to fill the 2021-22 programme and a number of candidates were identified for following up. The outing to Stoneleigh for 11th June 2021 was confirmed, subject to covid restrictions being lifted, but the August coach trip planned for Croome Park Worcestershire was put on hold awaiting a positive view of the future. The archive arrangement with Ark Storage is expected to remain in place for some time.

The next committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday March 2nd at 7.00pm via Zoom

DF 11.02.21

Contact: David Freke


07876 290044

Newsletter January 2021

NEWSLETTER 6th January 2021

Belated Christmas Greetings and best wishes for the New Year to all our members.

Our limited 2021 programme is set out below, but please note that some of the talks are provisional, as covid restrictions may affect speakers’ availability or the viability of their presentations.


Civil War ClaimsThe 15th January meeting will take place as scheduled but unfortunately exclusively as a Zoom meeting via the internet. We will send you an email on Thursday 14th with the Zoom invitation to join the Friday meeting, starting at 7.15pm. The speaker is our founder member David Beaumont, who will describe the background to the 17th-century civil wars and illustrate his work transcribing local claims for compensation following the end of the wars. His work contributes to an ambitious county-wide project initiated by Dr Maureen Harris with the support of the Friends of the Warwickshire County Record Office. The project’s aim is to transcribe the original claims made by each Warwickshire parish, using local volunteers, who have been initiated into the mysteries of 17th century handwriting through seminars and regular contact with Maureen and the WCRO. Those with experience of such scripts were specifically discouraged from taking part, as one of the objects was to encourage new researchers to this field. David was one of our members who bravely set out to decipher the documents for Kineton and neighbouring parishes. The edited transcriptions are due to be published with an analysis by Maureen in due course. In the meantime David will give us a preview of what some Kineton residents claimed they had lost during the chaotic years of the Civil Wars.

Review of November and December 20 meetings.

Our scheduled speaker for November was unable to deliver their Church graffittitalk, and at short notice your Chairman filled in. The simple Zoom arrangement, where the Host (me) and the Speaker (me!) were the same, seemed to work and we hope that future Zoom talks will continue to run as smoothly. The title Graffiti in Local Churches: devotion or desecration? turned out to be too simplistic, as the variety of marks in churches are often both devotional and scurrilous and much more besides. It is clear that although many of these vernacular inscriptions survive in pre-Victorian churches, many have also been lost to some vigorous cleaning and refurbishment regimes. As an archaeologist, the speaker is well acquainted with the problems posed by incomplete material, and so any conclusions, especially those based on where surviving graffiti are found, have to be cautious ones. That said, some locations do seem to have attracted graffiti makers, – eg the porch, chancel and tower arches, aisle pillars, and door and window surrounds, whereas blank walls, the favoured canvas of the contemporary graffiti artist, were largely ignored. Mystery still surrounds the meanings and motives of much church graffiti, and there is a growing research interest in documenting and recording it.

Report on Christmas meeting..

Radish turkeyWith the Village Hall still unavailable for our traditional December mince pies and mulled wine meeting your committee appealed to members to present short memorable personal recollections of Christmas via Zoom. Thank you so much to the dozen who informed and entertained us with their stories, and to the 25 participants who supped festive drinks and joined the meeting from their homes. Claire Roberts kicked off with an account of an exotic pre-Christmas festival in Oaxaca, Mexico, where oversized radishes are carved into intricate designs. Her photos of turkeys and entire Nativity scenes fashioned from radishes were extraordinary. As was her account of being warmly included in a family party, attended by accident – a welcome reminder of the kindness of strangers.

Steve Gale recounted how he, personally, switched off Christmas day Kineton bakeryBBC1 transmissions to the Orkneys, and then had to endure a very rough ferry crossing from Scrabster to Stromness (and back) to sort it out, apparently by flicking a reset button. Jane Waters described how her family of bakers in Sevenoaks produced elaborately iced three-tiered cakes for the local gentry. Tiers mean something a little less festive nowadays. Jane’s mother, born in 1912, could remember villagers bringing their Christmas turkeys to be cooked in the baking ovens on their way to church, and picking them up on the way home. The same was happening in Kineton at Fred Baker’s bakery at the top of Manor Lane.

Anitra Hall sent a letter with news of fresh disasters which I, as host, presented to the group, picking out Anitra’s varied talents and her regret at not being able to defend her cup for winning the folk singing category at Leamington Spa Competitive Music Festival, a casualty of lockdown.

Ilona followed with stories of more performances, this time during Christmases at the Blackpool boarding house run by her parents Olive and Alec. Channelling her mother, she recounted how neighbouring guest-houses passed Christmas entertainers along the street, the performers being plied with drink at each venue. Ilona remembered a magician objecting to the mirror he was obliged to stand in front of until she and Olive stood holding up a sheet to obscure it. Ilona remains sceptical of conjurors to this day. A well-oiled singer, having previously provided pianist Ilona with his music, launched out in a different key and tempo, reminding one of a well-known Eric and Ernie sketch featuring Andrew Preview.

Kneale Johnson was not able to provide a precise location for his Christmas story, because as a five-year old he was in transit to the Middle East via the Cape. His Christmas present he does know however. It was a Hornby O-gauge clockwork railway set which just fitted into the cabin. The captain and crew seem to have enjoyed it as much as Kneale.

Gill Ashley-Smith recollected idyllic childhood Christmases in Norwich, with feather beds and children’s stories, with delightful Boxing Day teas presided over by “Aunts” Gwen and Connie in their Victorian villa. Bread and butter featured strongly.

Peter Waters described the traditional Christmas proceedings in Shoreham (not by sea), much loved by Samuel Palmer and William Blake. The real father Christmas distributed presents prior to a Christingle service, and a visit to see Samuel Palmer’s house.

Kineton High Swimming poolCloser to home Pam Redgrave revealed a history of swimming instruction, life saving and swimming pool construction. Forty years ago she helped build the High School swimming pool, a pioneer solar heated facility. On Christmas day morning 1980 she was one of a party invited to swim in the newly completed pool by the retiring headmaster, Mr Turner. She managed 40 lengths in an hour.

Ted Crofts’ story was worthy of a TV sitcom. When he was in charge Father Xmasof catering and entertainments at an Oxford hotel the pre-booked Father Christmas met with an accident before he was due to entertain a party of 30 children aged 3 to 10 years old on Christmas day. Ted was pressed into service but had to squeeze into a borrowed costume, too small for him, obtained after many panic phone calls. Presents appropriate to each child’s age had been wrapped and name tagged but several children had the same name, so Ted had to rely on his elf assistant, who had bought the presents, to advise him which ones to give to whom. Opportunities for disaster were many, but luck was on Ted’s side. I hope he got a bonus.

With Ruth Morgan’s tale we were in exotic country again, in Kenya, with another near disaster. At Christmas at their mission it was the tradition for the local tribespeople to don their war dress and weapons and dance in celebration. A newly arrived couple unaware of the benign nature of this performance were badly shocked, and an international incident was only narrowly avoided.

Your host then rounded off the presentations with his recollections of working as a schoolboy in a ramshackle Bristol toy factory surrounded by foul-mouthed women who randomly sabotaged the machinery to give them time for a fag. One day a drum of Teepol (neat detergent) used to make bubble mixture got tipped over in the yard and a misguided attempted to wash it away with a hose generated drifts of foam which escaped out of the yard across the suburban road outside like a fog bank into which the traffic plunged. All in all an education to an innocent middle class lad.

Bob Briggs sent a contribution which the Post Office delayed by 2 weeks ensuring that it arrived too late for inclusion on the evening. He recounts the experience of winters in Montreal during a five-year teaching stint in the ‘60s. He describes skiing, snowball fights with Americans (with the English demonstrating the advantage of the cricket bowling action over baseball throws), creating his own ice rink by chucking buckets of water on the ground, the Canadians dancing the twist on tables, reputedly to improve their skiing, and the beauty of the Laurentian Mountains. Not so exhilarating apparently is changing flat tyres in temperatures of minus 40 degrees, which happens to be the same in both Fahrenheit and Centigrade.

Thanks again to all these contributors for bringing us all some cheery recollections of happier times.

2021 Programme

Until further notice our programme will be delivered via Zoom. The meetings will be

January 15 David Beaumont: The Civil War Claims Project: Kineton and District.

February 19 Professor John Hunter: The Making of Tysoe Project: the story so far.

March 19 AGM (format subject to covid rules)

April 11 Colin Clay and Phil Taylor: Back Tracks:  detecting the past

May 21 Michael Luntley: From This Ground: songs and stories from 19thcentury agricultural workers  (a performance, so subject to covid restrictions being lifted)

June, July August Summer outings to Moreton Morrell College, Stoneleigh Village, and Croome Park, arrangements to be to be confirmed

September 17 Peter Coulls and Alan Jennings: Warwick and Leamington Tramways 

Oct 15 tbc

November 19 tbc

December 10 Christmas treats/ Christmas speaker

Other Matters

The Promised LandLocal historian Martin Greenwood has informed us of his new book called ‘The Promised Land, The Story of Emigration from Oxfordshire and Neighbouring Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Warwickshire 1815-1914. It covers Oxon mainly but there is plenty about its neighbours and the whole process of emigration, including the port of Liverpool, cost, shipping, passages, disasters, epidemic diseases and the experience of some after arrival, particularly in Australia.

The blurb goes on to say: The author has written a lively and knowledgeable story of emigration from Oxfordshire and its neighbouring shires from 1815 to 1914. The story begins with the voyages of Captain Cook, which led to the provision of new places for penal colonies in Australia. Free emigration also gathered steam in the 1830s, followed by the Great Exodus from 1850. The story evokes the bustle and confusion of migrants at Liverpool, and the emotions of departure. It looks at their shipping, health problems, costs and shipwrecks, and at their experience on arrival. It also examines the political changes, particularly to the Poor Laws and Corn Laws.

Martin Greenwood has written previously about village life in Flora Thompson’s Lark Rise Country and more widely in Banburyshire. His most recent book was The Real Candleford Green, The Story of a Lark Rise Village, and he both gave a talk to the Group on this subject and led a village walk round Flora Thompson country for us some years ago.

The book is available from Martin for £9.95 plus p&p £3 = £12.95, with a cheque payable to Martin Greenwood, posted to him at “Sarnen”, Main Street, Fringford, Bicester, OX27 8DP

Other Society News

Other societies are exploring ways of reaching their members, and members who can use the various virtual meetings apps can usually join them.

Warwickshire Local History Society

Saturday 16 January, 2.00pm, afternoon talk by Jim Ranahan: The photographer’s gaze: viewing Warwickshire since 1837

Tuesday 16 February7.20 for 7.30 start a talk by Adrian Walter: Non-conformist Educational Outreach in Stratford-on-Avon District Council 1860-1930.

K&DLHG is affiliated to WLHS and our members are entitled to join their meetings which are handled by Eventbrite. To join a meeting you must pre-register with Eventbrite. Google the Warwickshire Local History Society webpage, click <Events> pre-register via <Eventbrite> click on <Register> and then again on <register> and fill in your details.

KDLHG Committee Matters.

The committee met virtually on November 3rd, and again on November 24th to confirm the 2021 programme arrangements. Ted Crofts outlined the generally satisfactory state of our finances, as a result of no few speaker fees or hall expenses. The postponement of the Village Hall archive construction project means paying fees to Ark Storage for some time to come. Our PayPal account, which could be useful for more transactions than just the Village History book- eg Peter Ashley-Smith’s essays in due course- requires a password that seems to be unobtainable. Ted, Roger and Lucie to try to resolve this.

A review of the September and October “hybrid” meetings concluded that they were satisfactory for those in the Hall, but not for members at home. The technology for November’s exclusively Zoom meeting, held between the two committee meetings, apparently worked well. Any future talks held both in the Hall and via Zoom should use 2 computers, one to drive the Hall projector and a separate one to share the presentation via Zoom. The December meeting date was changed from the 18th to the 11th, and at the 24th November meeting Ilona’s suggestion that members could be invited to present short personal memorable Christmas experiences was agreed. Claire was thanked for her research on Christmas speakers, requested at the 3rd November meeting, and her suggestions were recorded for future reference, possibly for Christmas 2021. The evening meetings for January to September were confirmed, and Isobel undertook to pursue the possibility of resurrecting the Croome Park coach outing. Speakers are still to be confirmed for October and November 2021 as well as the first two months of 2022.

Catherine Petrie was thanked for undertaking to submit our programme to the various local newspapers and other outlets, in addition to providing and distributing the posters as usual, in a bid to widen our membership. The next meeting of the committee will be on Tuesday 26th January 2021 via Zoom at 7.00pm..

DF 6 January 2021