Newsletter February 2025

Our next talk on Friday 21st February is The History of the Warwickshire Hunt by William Deakin. The hunt in Warwickshire has had a huge impact on the countryside, and specifically on Kineton since the mid-19th century, when Little Kineton became the home of the South Warwickshire Hunt kennels. William Deacon was involved with the hunt for 40 years and has seen its activities and evolution. He will show how hunting changed from private landowners keeping their own packs of hounds to the situation today. Whatever one’s view of hunting its history has social, economic and environmental impact which can be seen today in the landscape and the development of Kineton.

Doors open 7.00pm for teas, coffees and the all-important raffle, the talk starts at 7.30pm

St Mary’s Warwick. 3D model by RiVR in the church. Photo: DF
St Mary’s Warwick. 3D model by RiVR in the church. Photo: DF

Report on our Friday 17th January meeting. Alex Harvey gave us exactly what it says on the tin, an immersive vision of underground Warwick, related to the buildings above. The technology is impressive, as he and his colleagues squeezed down manholes, crawled along tunnels and climbed St Mary’s church tower to take thousands of photographs to create virtual reality images and videos. If this didn’t get them high enough then a drone would provide a bird’s eye view. Alex Harvey is a founder and director of RiVR, a company specialising in digitally surveying historic buildings and other structures and recreating them in Virtual Reality so that participants can feel that they inhabit the space. Alex’s enthusiasm for the technology was matched by his curiosity for what this can reveal of our past, and its potential for engaging a wider audience. If you want scale models of St Mary’s, or the whole town, or QR codes on shop fronts to view virtual museum objects in 3D, or the experience of looking close-up at graffiti in a tunnel, then he’s your man. He was suitably cautious when considering what the tunnels were for, when were they made and who made them. But the more he discovers and records the better informed our interpretations will be. .

The Archive. Colin has completed the cataloguing and repackaging of the paper archive in archive
standard materials, a huge job, which will ensure the preservation of the archive. Many thanks. . . .

Forthcoming K&DLHG events

21 Feb 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times
25 Apr 2025Maggie Wood Ralph Sheldon and his Wonderful Tapestry
16 May 2025 John FrearsonThe History of the Kaye and Nelson Lime and Cement
Works, Southam and Stockton
20th June 20256:00-7:30pmEttington guided tour
18th July 20254:30pm-7:00pmHarbury heritage collection and guided village tour
9th August 202511:00am-1:00pmBurford Tolsey Museum and guided town tour
19 Sept 2025Ginny DavisThe Mysterious Death of Amy Robsart, wife of Robert
17 Oct 2025Jackie WestThe Restoration of Ladbroke Church
21 Nov 2025Bob BearmanStratford in 50 Buildings
12 Dec 2025Members’ eveningChristmas Treats
16 Jan 2026Travor LangleyThomas Oken, Warwick’s Great benefactor
20 Feb 2026Bob BoothThe Sweet Life in Bourneville: the Cadbury and
Bourneville story from 1878
20 Mar 2026AGM & John ParnellAGM A History of the Circus

Other Organisations’ Events

Please check the Warwickshire Local History Society’s Other Societies’ Events page for a list of other meetings of local history interest. You can access it here: Other Events

20 February. Warmington Heritage Group Tower Capsule Deposits by Beat Kumin. Village Hall 7.30

22 February. Wellesbourne and Walton Local History Society The War Graves in Stratford Cemetery by Ewan Cuthbertson, 7.30 Wellesbourne Village Hall. £3.00 visitor fee.

10th March. Kenilworth History and Archaeology Society AGM then The Wonderful World Women of Baddesley Clinton by Jill Kashi

12 March. Long Itchington History Group Leamington Sky
Gardens by Natalie Rothwell & David Smart
. Community
Centre 7.30 £3.00 per meeting

British Association for Local History.
The Kineton Group is a Member of BALH and they run lectures and talks which are open to our members. Contact: for upcoming talks available virtually.

Don’t forget to check our own website at: Kineton and District Local History Group

Membership for 2025 is £15. Visitor entrance will be £4.00 per meeting from January 2025. Cash or cheque payments can be made at any meeting. If you would like to become a Member of the group, our 2025 membership year starts in January. If you attend 4 or more of the 9 meetings we hold every year then Membership is the best option!
We would urge those who can to please pay by BACS to our bank business account:
name: Kineton and District Local History Group,
sort code: 40-43-19;
acc. no. 71281992.
Please include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment.
Members note that if you pay by cheque make it payable to:
Kineton and District Local History Group, and send or delivered to:
Alec Hitchman, The Hills Farm, Pillerton Hersey, WARKS, CV35 0QQ

For queries contact Alec on

KDLHG Committee

President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
ChairmanProfessor Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Archive Data Manager / Membership SecretaryCarol Clark
ArchivistColin Such

There has been no committee meeting since 6 January as reported in the January newsletter. The committee has fallen to skeleton crew numbers, and we are keen to recruit new people to help run the group, volunteers would be welcomed and can be co-opted before the AGM, so please consider joining us. The next committee meeting is set for 6th March 2025 at 7.00pm, again to be hosted by Colin

Newsletter January 2025

Still from BBC Click feature on Warwick tunnel surveys
Still from BBC Click feature on Warwick tunnel surveys
Roman costumes
Paulvs Tomasfilius and Clara Robertus in authentic varieties
of Roman costume
Picturam a: Jvliana Dispensator (Gill Stewart)
13 Dec 2024Paul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times
25 Apr 2025Maggie Wood Ralph Sheldon and his Wonderful Tapestry
16 May 2025 John FrearsonThe History of the Kaye and Nelson Lime and Cement
Works, Southam and Stockton
June 2025tbcOuting tbc
18th July 20254:30pm-7:00pmHarbury heritage collection and guided village tour
9th August 202511:00am-1:00pmBurford Tolsey Museum and guided town tour
19 Sept 2025Ginny DavisThe Mysterious Death of Amy Robsart, wife of Robert
17 Oct 2025Jackie WestThe Restoration of Ladbroke Church
21 Nov 2025Bob BearmanStratford in 50 Buildings
12 Dec 2025Members’ eveningChristmas Treats
16 Jan 2026Travor LangleyThomas Oken, Warwick’s Great benefactor
20 Feb 2026Bob BoothThe Sweet Life in Bourneville: the Cadbury and
Bourneville story from 1878
20 Mar 2026AGM & John ParnellAGM A History of the Circus
President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
ChairmanProfessor Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Archive Data Manager / Membership SecretaryCarol Clark
ArchivistColin Such

The committee met on 6th January, hosted again by Colin Such. Roger Gaunt, our Vice Chair, announced that he was intending to retire from the committee at the March AGM

The 2025-26 talks programme has been completed and two of the summer outing have been arranged (see forthcoming events above), Alec’s treasurer’s report showed satisfactory income and expenditure figures, and very helpful income continuing from raffle and refreshments. Colin has been extremely successful in selling Peter Ashley-Smith’s book, and the Joe Gerring book. The treasurer was asked to investigate online banking for the Group. A delegation visited the Village Hall with the Village Hall Trustee’s chair to consider the future of the Group’s cupboard where our equipment was stored until covid. We have responded to the’ VHT’s request for comments regarding the VH facilities, and we suggested permanent overhead projection gear and reliable sound equipment, and we would support any application for relevant funding to provide these. We need to confirm that our insurance through our membership the British Association for Local History (BALH) remains appropriate. The next committee meeting is set for 6th March 2025 at 7.00pm, again to be hosted by Colin

Newsletter December 2024

13 Dec 2024Paul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times
25 Apr 2025Maggie Wood Ralph Sheldon and his Wonderful Tapestry
16 May 2025 John FrearsonThe History of the Kaye and Nelson Lime and Cement
Works, Southam and Stockton
tbcOutings to Harbury, Burford and Ettington tbc
19 Sept 2025tbc
17 Oct 2025Jackie WestThe Restoration of Ladbroke Church
21 Nov 2025Bob BearmanStratford in 50 Buildings
12 Dec 2025Members’ evening Christmas Treats
16 Jan 2026Travor LangleyThomas Oken, Warwick’s Great benefactor
20 Feb 2026tbc
20 Mar 2026AGM & John ParnellAGM A History of the Circus
President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
ChairmanProfessor Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Archive Data Manager / Membership SecretaryCarol Clark
ArchivistColin Such

The committee has again fallen to skeleton crew numbers, and we are keen to recruit new people to
help run the group, volunteers would be welcomed and can be co-opted before the AGM, so please
consider joining us.

Many of the discussions in the last two committee meetings have been to finalise the 2025-26 talks
programme, now virtually completed by Claire (see forthcoming events above), and to consider the details of managing the archive, ably overseen by Colin. The next committee meeting is set for 6th January 2025, again to be hosted by Colin at 7.00pm

Newsletter October and November 2024

William Henry James 1771 – 1837

On Friday 15th for meeting at the village hall, the doors will open at 7.00pm for teas, coffees and the all important raffle. The talk, starting at 7.30, entitled William James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer, will be given by our member Roger Butler.

Wagon from Stratford to Moreton-in-Marsh line.

In the early 19th century William James was involved in innovative work in developing the very first steam engines and railways. He worked with George Stephenson on the railway between Liverpool and Manchester, the first viable passenger line.

Plaque on the birthplace of William in Henley-in Arden

He was busy in many parts of England, with involvement with at least 13 major railway lines. Locally he promoted the Stratford to Moreton-in-Marsh tramway, as well as having a major interest in the Stratford Canal.

Those who have heard any of Roger’s previous presentations will know that we are in for a well researched and relaxed evening, illustrated by his always excellent photographs.

Report on Friday 18th October meeting. The talk by David Morse was
entitled A Dive into Leamington’s Photograpic Archive. David is Vice Chair
of Leamington History Group and has been researching Leamington’s social
history for many years. His talk outlined the major project being undertaken by
the Leamington group to collect, archive and interpret the photographic legacy of
the town. As the group’s archivist, David described the stages of developing
such a resource: collecting historic photographs through appeals and publicity;
sorting and cataloguing the resulting collection of 5,000 individual items into a coherent order; interpreting what they show, to contribute to the narrative of the town; and making the material available, to enhance the experience of living in an historic environment. David demonstrated this ambition through his talk with examples of before and after shots of corners of Leamington now unrecognisable from their earlier appearance. At Kineton we are now embarked upon a similar project within the Archive, and the Leamington experience is an example of how it can be done.

Report on 20th September talk by Maggie Wood.
Maggie Wood was formerly Keeper of Social History for the Warwickshire Museum Service, and she took inspiration from a collection of local 19th-century smocks held at Warwick Museum, tracing the stories of the individuals who once wore them.
Smocking was a form of stitching to gather the usually linen fabric of a smock to make it stronger, more flexible and more waterproof. She promised some surprises, and one she developed was the attitude to illegitimacy in the late 19th century. The authorities – the Church, the legal system – stigmatised illegitimacy, but one of the characters followed by Maggie had several children out of wedlock by different fathers but lived with her parents and was not the social outcast depicted in the moralising tropes of the period. Maggie has analysed local marriage and birth registers to show that 41% of brides were pregnant at their weddings, and 10% already had a child. Clearly the attitude to sex outside wedlock was surprisingly more relaxed in the general population than that of the authorities. That Maggie presented an entertaining and informative evening about the people and conditions in our area more than a century ago was no surprise to us.

Forthcoming K&DLHG events

15 Nov 2024Roger ButlerWilliam James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer
13 Dec 2024Paul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times
25 Apr 2025Maggie Wood Ralph Sheldon and his Wonderful Tapestry
16 May 2025 John FrearsonThe History of the Kaye and Nelson Lime and Cement
Works, Southam and Stockton
tbcOutings to Harbury, Burford and Ettington tbc
19 Sept 2025tbc
17 Oct 2025Jackie WestThe Restoration of Ladbroke Church
21 Nov 2025Bob BearmanStratford in 50 Buildings
12 Dec 2025Members’ evening Christmas Treats
16 Jan 2026Travor LangleyThomas Oken, Warwick’s Great benefactor
20 Feb 2026tbc
20 Mar 2026AGM & John ParnellAGM A History of the Circus

Other Organisations’ Events
Thursday November 21st Warmington Heritage Group The Warmington Judd Family and where it has
taken me,
by David Judd 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Please look up the Warwickshire Local History Society’s Other Societies’ Events page for a list of other meetings of local history interest. You can access it here: Other Events (

British Association for Local History. The Kineton Group is a Member of BALH and they run lectures and talks which are open to our members. Contact for upcoming talks available virtually.

Don’t forget to check our own website at: Kineton and District Local History Group

Membership for 2025 is £15. Visitor entrance will be £4.00 per meeting from January 2025. Cash or cheque payments can be made at any meeting. If you would like to become a Member of the group, our 2025 membership year starts in January. If you attend 4 or more of the 9 meetings we hold every year then Membership is the best option!
We would urge those who can to please pay by BACS to our bank business account:
name: Kineton and District Local History Group,
sort code: 40-43-19;
acc. no. 71281992. Please include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment.
Members note that if you pay by cheque make it payable to:
Kineton and District Local History Group, and send or delivered to:
Alec Hitchman, The Hills Farm, Pillerton Hersey, WARKS, CV35 0QQ
For queries contact Alec on

KDLHG Committee

President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
ChairmanProfessor Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Archive Data ManagerCarol Clarke
ArchivistColin Such

The committee has met on 18th September in the Community Archive Room, and on 12th November hosted by Colin Such. Ilona has stepped down from the committee after 17 years, the last 9 years serving as our Secretary. The committee recorded their appreciation of her contribution to the smooth running of the group for so long, and future historians will be indebted to her for the “Snapshot” of the village she organised in 2008, with the multitude of photographs and items she collected, now safely housed in the Archive. We have also lost our Membership Secretary, Pam Redgrave, who has also stepped down from the committee.
She will be sorely missed, but her legacy is the re-organised and up to date membership list, and her enhanced PR arrangements, which have done so much to keep our numbers healthy.
The committee has again fallen to skeleton crew numbers, and we are keen to recruit new people to help run the group, volunteers would be welcomed and co-opted before the AGM, so please consider joining us.
Many of the discussions in the last two committee meetings have been to finalise the 2025-26 talks programme, now virtually completed by Claire (see forthcoming events above), and to consider the details of managing the archive, ably overseen by Colin. The next committee meeting has been provisionally set for 7th January 2025, again to be hosted by Colin at 7.00pm

Newsletter September 2024

Henry Tickner of Ewhurst, c.1890
Guildford Museum, ,.
Photo Guildford Heritage

Our first autumn meeting will be this Friday 20th September at the
village hall, doors open 7.00pm for teas, coffees and the allimportant raffle. The talk starting 7.30 will be by Maggie Wood, entitled Mr Gaydon of Brailes and Other Stories Told Through a Collection of Smocks. Smocking was a form of stitching to gather the usually linen fabric of a smock to make it stronger, more flexible and more waterproof. Styles of stitching, embroidery and even the shapes of smocks vary across the country, so the style of the smock worn by Mr Tickner from Ewhurst may be different to those worn by Warwickshire labourers. Maggie Wood was formerly Keeper of Social History for the Warwickshire Museum. Service, and her talk will be based on a collection of local 19th century smocks held at the museum, tracing the stories of the individuals who once wore them. She promises some surprises on the way. We have hosted talks by Maggie in the past and we can expect an entertaining and informative evening about the people and conditions in our area more than a century ago.

Report on August 16th visit to Stratford Guild Chapel
Our expert guides Pamela Devine and Janet Hall introduced our group to the history and original function of the 15th century chapel before describing the internationally important series of wall paintings. First the “Doom” above the chancel arch, showing the Last Judgement, with the saved on the right hand of God and the sinners on the left. Unusually for Doom paintings there are no popes, princes or the rich among the damned, but they are conspicuous among the saved. But then, it was commissioned by the elite of the town!
The painting has suffered some deterioration since its discovery in the early 19th century, but copies made at the time by Thomas Fisher can supply some of the missing elements. A frieze of images and texts running along the north wall of the nave show people from all stations of life being led off by Death in a dance of death, while corresponding images on the south wall show scenes from the life of Adam. . These friezes are now hidden by panelling, but two section were exposed for us to see.

The wall paintings were covered with limewash less
than a century after they were created. This event was recorded by John Shakespeare, the playwright’s father, in his role as Chamberlain of Stratford Corporation.
Since 2022 the chapel has benefitted from Heritage Lottery Funding to conserve and interpret the surviving 15th century paintings, which constitute a rare scheme created at a single period as one programme. Although some parts have been destroyed or overlaid. work continues to enhance and interpret this internationally significant series of images.
Our thanks to our Chapel guides Pamela and Janet, and to Rosemary for arranging this and our other summer outings to Lighthorne village and Stanway House. The trips have been enjoyed by all who joined us.

Forthcoming K&DLHG events

20 SeptemberMaggie WoodMr Gaydon of Brailes, stories told through a collection of smocks
18 OctoberDavid MorseA Dive into Leamington’s Photographic Archive
15 NovemberRoger ButlerWilliam James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer
13 DecemberPaul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan. 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb. 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar. 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times

Other Organisations’ Events

Warmington Heritage Group begin their series of evening talks Thursday September 19 at 7.30pm in the
Village Hall
when Sealed Knot members Verna and Stephen Wass will be discussing the impact of the
English Civil War on the town and people of Banbury and punctuating the talk with live music played on
instruments of the period. It promises to be a hugely entertaining evening.
Then on Thursday, 17th October at 7.30 in the village hall John Bishop will talk on the history of the
Gaydon RAF base.

RAF Gaydon opened in 1942 and is known for its role during the Cold War, when it was under the control
of RAF Bomber Command as it was the first Royal Air Force (RAF) station to receive the Vickers Valiant
when No. 138 Squadron RAF re-formed here in 1955.
In 1978, the site passed into civilian ownership and today contains the British Motor Museum, the
headquarters of automobile manufacturer Aston Martin, and the Jaguar Land Rover Gaydon Centre.

Please look up the Warwickshire Local History Society’s Other Societies’ Events page for a list of
other meetings of local history interest. You can access it here: Other Events (

British Association for Local History. The Kineton Group is a Member of BALH and they run lectures and talks which are open to our members. for upcoming talks available virtually.

Membership for 2025 is £15. Visitor entrance is £3.00 per meeting.
If you would like to become a Member of the group, our 2025 membership year starts in January. If you attend 5 or more of the 9 meetings we hold every year then Membership is the best option!
With our bank now charging for payments by cheque or cash, we would urge those who can to please pay by BACS to our bank business account:
name: Kineton and District Local History Group,
sort code: 40-43-19;
acc. no. 71281992. Please include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment.
Members note that if you pay by cheque make it payable to:

Kineton and District Local History Group, and send or delivered to:
Alec Hitchman,
The Hills Farm,
Pillerton Hersey,
CV35 0QQ

Cash payments can be made at any meeting. For queries contact Alec on

KDLHG Committee

President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
Chairman Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Membership & PRPamela Redgrave
Archive Data ManagerCarol Clarke
ArchivistColin Such
Ilona Sekacz

The committee last met on 11th June in the Community Archive Room, and the June Newsletter summarised its discussions. The next committee meeting will be on 18th September in the Community Archive Room at 7.00pm

Newsletter July & August 2024

Our last summer outing of 2024 will be this FRIDAY, AUGUST 16th. Afternoon guided visit to STRATFORD GUILD CHAPEL meeting at 2.00pm in the chapel (CV37 6EP)
There are still places available on this trip, pay at the door, cost £5.00.

Stratford’s Guild of the Holy Cross was an essential element in the
medieval economic and social life of the town. In the 15th century
the increasingly rich and influential Guild built the almshouses,
the Guild Hall, the grammar school and the Guild Chapel.
The chapel we now see was built in the 15th century, and has
undergone many changes of use in the last half century.

It contains internationally important wall paintings, which were covered with whitewash less than a century after they were created. This event was recorded by John Shakespeare, the playwright’s father, in his role as Chamberlain of Stratford Corporation. Since 2022 the chapel has benefitted from Heritage Lottery Funding to conserve and interpret the surviving 15th century paintings, which constitute a rare scheme created at a single period as one programme. Although some parts have been destroyed or overlaid by later painting, and some are hidden behind wooden panelling, work continues to enhance and interpret this internationally significant series of images.

Report on the evening tour of LIGHTHORNE VILLAGE on 21st June

We had an enjoyable evening in benign weather, led by our member Colin Such, who until recently resided in Lighthorne and who has amassed a wealth of information about its history and characters. He gave us a brief illustrated introductory history of the village in the Village Hall, noting the prehistoric beginnings of the settlement and the nearby Roman activity.

We then went out to view the Old Post Office and the historic buildings at the adjacent cross roads, including the Old Forge and the (well-attended) Antelope Hotel pub. We then walked up Old School Lane, noting in passing a fine farmhouse, and a notorious establishment, before arriving at the Old School, now converted to domestic use.

When we returned to the crossroads your reporter reluctantly fell by the wayside suffering from a painful foot problem. Undaunted, Colin led the group up Church Lane to St Laurence’s church to view the church and its notable stained glass.

The church tower was built in the 1770s by Kineton mason Samuel
Eglington, who had been employed on the new house at Compton Verney. The main body of the church is 19th century, but there is some early glass incorporated in the windows. Although I missed this part of the tour Colin has written a detailed article about the stained glass based on the research of the late Peter Hinman and Aiden McRae Thomson (in the Lighthorne History Society Archive and available online here:
Well worth a read.
Our thanks to Colin for giving us the benefit of just some of his encyclopaedic knowledge of Lighthorne’s past in such a calm and engaging fashion.

Report on Friday July19th afternoon guided tour of STANWAY HOUSE
Stanway House dates from the late 16th – early 17th century, and the gardens have been continually enhanced by successive generations of the Tracys. The family is still in residence. The day was the hottest of the year to date, and the golden coloured Cotswold stone buildings looked their best, but we were glad to be mainly indoors. Our guide Marie-Therese led us through the apartments open to the public, while the family, and the dogs, passed through us en route to the pool, judging by the evidence of their attire. A massive 17th century shove ha’penny table with a single huge oak top was a feature of the Hall – it might have been constructed in situ it was so enormous. The long winter evenings before the internet seem to have been occupied by sitting in chairs covered in original Morris fabrics, and flicking stamps attached to coins at the high ceiling, where a few stamps are still to be seen. Ilona admitted to having played this game too, although not at Stanway House. Possibly to counteract the effect of too many dinners we saw a rare Chippendale exercise chair, looking uncomfortably like an instrument of torture.

Up some steps, giving a glimpse of a servants’ passage, we came to the sitting room, containing two Chippendale settees, with elaborate canopies embellished with chinoiserie accessories,
including a pagoda and little bells. Here Marie-Therese pointed out the portraits of several 18th and 19th century ancestors who fatally drank or duelled themselves into contention for Darwin awards.

The next room was a smaller book-lined intimate room, with Edwardian photos of three beautiful sisters, one whose private life seemed to be intent on making up for the gene pool deficit racked up by her forebears.
Making our way into the sunshine through a servants’ back door we saw the remnants of the elegant landscape garden depicted in one of the 18th century paintings in the Hall. A little steepled building stood at the head of what had been a long cascade emptying into a raised canal. This is now the site of the spectacular 91-metre high fountain – the highest gravity-fed spout in the world. The fountain was turned on for us, and was truly remarkable.
Our thanks to Rosemary for arranging both these stimulating outings, enjoyed by all who joined us.
The Community Archive Colin and Carol have continued cataloguing the material in the archive. We
have taken delivery of 10 archive quality archive storage boxes donated by the Warwickshire County Record Office through the good offices of Colin.
The shelving is now installed, and Colin has catalogued and indexed all the paper archive, while Carol is organising the digital material.

David Beaumont has kindly donated a WWII child’s gas mask, from a
Kineton source. I never knew such objects existed and it looks fearsome if
necessary thing, but it brings home the reality of a war only a few can now
bear witness. It looks horribly like that Caravaggio painting of David With the Head of Goliath.

Forthcoming K&DLHG events

16 AugustGuided Outing 2pmGuided tour of Guild Chapel, Stratford
20 SeptemberMaggie WoodMr Gaydon of Brailes, stories told through a collection of smocks
18 OctoberDavid MorseA Dive into Leamington’s Photographic Archive
15 NovemberRoger ButlerWilliam James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer
13 DecemberPaul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan. 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb. 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar. 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times

Other Organisations’ Events
Please look up the Warwickshire Local History Society’s Other Societies’ Events page for a list of
other meetings of local history interest. You can access it here: Other Events (

Membership for 2024 is £15. Visitor entrance is £3.00 per meeting.
If you would like to become a Member of the group, our 2024 membership year starts in January. If you attend 5 or more of the 9 meetings we hold every year then Membership is the best option!
With our bank now charging for payments by cheque or cash, we would urge those who can to please pay by BACS to our bank business account:
name: Kineton and District Local History Group,
sort code: 40-43-19;
acc. no. 71281992. Please include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment.
Members note that if you pay by cheque make it payable to:

Kineton and District Local History Group, and send or delivered to:
Alec Hitchman,
The Hills Farm,
Pillerton Hersey,
CV35 0QQ

Cash payments can be made at any meeting. For queries contact Alec on

KDLHG Committee

President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
Chairman Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Membership & PRPamela Redgrave
Archive Data ManagerCarol Clarke
ArchivistColin Such
Ilona Sekacz

The committee last met on 11th June in the Community Archive Room, and the June Newsletter summarised its discussions. The next committee meeting will be on 18th September in the Community Archive Room at 7.00pm

Newsletter June 2024

On Friday evening June 21st we take a short trip to Lighthorne for our first summer outing of 2024.
Meet at 6.00pm, Lighthorne Village Hall, CV350AY. Cost £5.00 (can be collected on the day)
The forecast is for a fine day and we look forward to an enjoyable evening led by our member Colin Such, who until recently resided in Lighthorne and has amassed a mine of information about its history and characters.

Village view

Lighthorne is mentioned in the Domesday survey of 1086 as “Listecorne”. An interpretation of this as “the light/ bright thorn bush”, has been challenged by Peter Hinman who proposed “hidden valley” or “stream valley” as more likely.
Once owned by the Earls of Warwick the village later became part of the Compton Verney estate owned by the Lord Willoughby de Broke.

The church tower was built
in the 1770s by Kineton
mason Samuel Eglington,
who had been employed on
the new house at Compton
Verney. The main body of
the church is 19th century,
but there is some early glass
incorporated into the windows.
The earliest of the 4 bells is 15th century, one is 17th century and two are 19th century.
The village has many attractive historic features, and we will be guided expertly around these historic sites by Colin Such, the Lighthorne History Society archivist and K&DLHG committee member and archivist.

FRIDAY JULY 19th Afternoon guided tour of STANWAY HOUSE

Cost £20.00 (book in advance, numbers limited)
Stanway House and gardens in Gloucestershire are about 30 miles from Kineton. The house dates from the late 16th – early 17th century, and
the gardens have been continually enhanced by successive generations of the Tracy family and their descendants.

The spectacular 91 metre high fountain – the highest gravity fed spout in the world – being one of the latest additions opened in 2004.
The house has stairs and level changes etc which make it unsuitable for people with mobility issues. The fountain and garden are fully accessible, Meet 2.00 pm Stanway House entrance. GL54 5PQ

NB this is not a coach trip, to avoid unnecessary car trips please consider car sharing

FRIDAY AUGUST 16th Afternoon guided visit to STRATFORD GUILD CHAPEL Cost £5.00

Stratford’s Guild of the Holy Cross was an essential element in the medieval life of the town. The Guild built the almshouses, the Guild Hall, the grammar school and the Guild Chapel.

The chapel we now see was built in the 15th century, and has undergone many changes of use in the last half century. It contains internationally important wall paintings, which were covered with whitewash less than a century after they were created. The event was recorded by John Shakespeare, the playwright’s father, in his role as Alderman of the Corporation.
Meet 2.00pm in the chapel.

The Community Archive
Colin and Carol have continued cataloguing the material in the archive. We have taken delivery of 10 archive quality archive storage boxes donated by the Warwickshire County Record Office through the good offices of Colin. Here is a find from a collection of unlabelled photographs:
Tales from the Archive from Carol
I was looking through a small suitcase of someone’s old family photos in the Archive recently. Amongst the mostly loose photos was a small, slightly battered album, and on one of the pages I spotted a photo of ….. my father!
It was one of four snaps on a page labelled “Weston Park Nr Shipston on Stour”, featuring a Girl Guide camp in perhaps the early 1920s. To be fair, I already had an analogue copy of the same photo, but this one, although only a 2″ x 3″ snapshot, turned out to be of better quality once I’d scanned and enhanced it.
At the time Dad was a young gardener at Weston Park (between Cherington and Long Compton), and features in the photo in the back row, on the right. The other two older men were also gardeners, and the girls at the front were Girl Guides. I was told by my aunt in the 1980s that the Guides were from Birmingham, and the other gardeners used to tease Dad by sending him on spurious errands into the depths of the Guides’ camping area.
The name “Baldwin” is written on the back of some of the loose photos. Now I wonder whose album it was, and how they were connected with the Girl Guide camp?

Carol Clark

Forthcoming K&DLHG events

21 June (eve)Colin Such 6pm Guided tour of Lighthorne village
19 July (afternoon)Guided Outing 2pmVisit to Stanway House
16 AugustGuided Outing 2pmGuided tour of Guild Chapel, Stratford
20 SeptemberMaggie WoodMr Gaydon of Brailes, stories told through a collection of smocks
18 OctoberDavid MorseA Dive into Leamington’s Photographic Archive
15 NovemberRoger ButlerWilliam James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer
13 DecemberPaul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan. 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb. 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar. 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times

Other Organisations’ Events

Warwickshire Local History Society Summer outings.

Membership for 2024 is £15. Visitor entrance is £3.00 per meeting.
If you would like to become a Member of the group, our 2024 membership year starts in January. If you attend 5 or more of the 9 meetings we hold every year then Membership is the best option!
With our bank now charging for payments by cheque or cash, we would urge those who can to please pay by BACS to our bank business account:
name: Kineton and District Local History Group,
sort code: 40-43-19;
acc. no. 71281992. Please include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment.
Members note that if you pay by cheque make it payable to:
Kineton and District Local History Group, and send or delivered to:
Alec Hitchman,
The Hills Farm,
Pillerton Hersey,
Cash payments can be made at any meeting.
For queries contact Alec on

KDLHG Committee

President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
Chairman Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Membership & PRPamela Redgrave
Carol Clarke
Colin Such
Ilona Sekacz
Archive Data ManagerCarol Clarke
ArchivistColin Such
Ilona Sekacz

The committee met on 11th June in the Community Archive Room. The Village hall has been booked for the 2025-6 programme. The possibility of obtaining a grant from Council Infrastructure Levy was discussed and an approach to the Parish Council agreed. The Treasurer reported that our current financial situation is satisfactory, and that the raffle has raised useful funds, the wine less so. It was agreed to discontinue offering wine but when we recommence evening talks in September to continue starting at 7.00pm with tea and coffee before the talks. Good progress was being made in the archive, with the shelving and filing cabinets installed. Suggestions for talks and outing venues in 2025-6 were invited. Efforts to get our message to the wider community continue. The next committee meeting will be on 18th September in the Community Archive Room at 7.00pm

Newsletter May 2024

17 MayAnthony HitchcoxRadford Semele: a History in Photos
21 June (eve)Colin Such 6pm Guided tour of Lighthorne village
19 July (afternoon)Outing 2pmVisit to Stanway House
16 AugustOuting 2pmGuided tour of Guild Chapel, Stratford
20 SeptemberMaggie WoodMr Gaydon of Brailes, stories told through a collection of smocks
18 OctoberDavid MorseA Dive into Leamington’s Photographic Archive
15 NovemberRoger ButlerWilliam James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer
13 DecemberPaul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan. 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb. 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar. 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times
President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
Chairman Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Membership & PRPamela Redgrave
Carol Clarke
Colin Such
Ilona Sekacz

Newsletter April 2024

For our next 2 meetings, on April 19th and May17th, we are trialling a new format. In order to enhance the important social aspect our meetings we will open the evening at 7.00pm when members and visitors can enjoy a glass of wine (£3.00) or tea/coffee (£1.00) and obtain raffle tickets before the talk begins at the usual time of 7.30pm. We hope you will come early and enjoy a relaxed and chatty prelude to the evening. The raffle has raised £100.00 so far, please continue to support it.

Our talk this Friday will be delivered by Emma Bromley who will be discussing The Black Book of Warwick: a Tudor Town Clerk’s Diary. The minute book of the Corporation of Warwick was compiled by the Town Clerk John Fisher from 1563 to 1590. It became his personal diary.

The Black Book of Warwick. Photo Warwick County Record Office

I have a certain sympathy with his description of the Corporation’s predicament in trying to elect a new bailiff in September 1572. Their first choice, William Hall, was elected in his absence but refused the office, pleading his lack of ability, the problems of looking after his house as he had no wife(!) and the heavy responsibilities of a large family.

Three other burgesses, John Dicke, Thomas Barrett, and John Nason were approached in turn, and each refused in turn and were promptly sacked from the Corporation. Finally following the appointment of new members Richard Fisher was elected as the new bailiff, and the new corporation was sworn in on October 6 th after a delay of nearly a month. ‘Twas ever thus!

Report on March meeting. On the Ides of March (the 15th) we held our 36th AGM, followed by Vanessa Morgan’s talk “Local Rogues and Vilains of the 19th Century”. The papers for the business part of the meeting had been circulated, so the AGM, conducted by our President Bob Bearman, was brief. Rosemary Collier was elected as our new chairperson, and while Isobel Gill and Catherine Petrie left the committee, with our appreciation for their long service, we welcomed Colin Such, Gill Stewart and Carol Clark onto the new committee. The remaining members of the 2023-4 committee were re-elected. Dr Robert Bearman agreed to continue as our President, and Peter Waters agreed to review our present year accounts.

Vanessa Morgan then regaled us with a catalogue of local 19th -century miscreants, many of whom came to sticky end. Our own Kineton constable (those were the days!) was involved in the detection and apprehension of one local criminal. The accounts read out by Vanessa, culled from contemporary newspapers and pamphlets, gave an insight into the assumptions and expectations of the period. In the time before photographs the descriptions of the accused were necessary to give an impression of the sort of people capable of doing the deeds they were accused of. The theories of the period held that character could be revealed in facial features, so a coarse and ugly appearance was a clue to criminality. Sometimes in the newspaper accounts there were hints of surprise that well dressed and civilized looking individuals were capable of the crimes they had committed. Public hangings or transportation to Australia were the harsh penalties for many crimes. We can find it hard to understand the brutality of the judicial system then, and the culture which led crowds of 10,000 to watch a public hanging. I wonder what part of our behaviour, which we accept as normal, if examined in a hundred years’ time, would be found to be as arbitrary and unacceptable. Our President led the vote of thanks to close the meeting.

The Community Archive Room. The Archive Room at The Mill in Mill Street, Kineton, has now received all the material previously stored at The Ark in Pillerton Hersey. Thank you to Alec and Ilona for help in the move. Carol Clark and Colin Such have started the job of cataloguing. The Newsletter will feature interesting items as they come to light. The completed catalogue and index will be uploaded onto our website, in order that the community can see what the collection holds and to encourage its use.

Our 2024 Summer Outings:

Rosemary has arranged a fine series of outings for this summer. We will be selling tickets for these at our April and May meetings or you can contact our Treasurer directly (see contact details below)

Forthcoming K&DLHG talks at the Village Hall and Summer Outings.

19 AprilEmma BromleyThe Black Book of Warwick
17 MayAnthony HitchcoxRadford Semele: a History in Photos
21 June (eve)Colin Such 6pm Guided tour of Lighthorne village
19 July (afternoon)Outing 2pmVisit to Stanway House
16 AugustOuting 2pmGuided tour of Guild Chapel, Stratford
20 SeptemberMaggie WoodMr Gaydon of Brailes, stories told through a collection of smocks
18 OctoberDavid MorseA Dive into Leamington’s Photographic Archive
15 NovemberRoger ButlerWilliam James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer
13 DecemberPaul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan. 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb. 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar. 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times

Other Organisations’ Events

30 April. The Sibford History Society is organising a coach trip to Hardwick Hall on 4 th September 2024, and they are looking for people to join them to make the trip viable. The coach booking needs to be confirmed and paid for by 30 April. The coach cost is £25 per person, Hardwick Hall is free to National Trust members and £18.05 for non-NT members. If you are interested please contact K&DLHG Treasurer Alec before 30th April, and he will collect the £25.00 coach cost (see below for his contact details)

Shipston History Society

The Museum in Shipston will be opening Saturdays ,Sundays, and Bank Holiday Mondays 12.00 – 4.00pm. Admission free. They are also open to do town tours on weekdays by appointment. For more details about the Museum and History Society contact or

24 April Wellesbourne Local History Group . Shops of Leamington Spa by Peter Coulls. Wellesbourne Village Hall. 7.30 guests £3.00.

18 April. Warmington Heritage Group. Writing Women Back into the Political History of Warwickshire by Professor Sarah Richardson. Village Hall, 7.30. Visitors £2.00

8 May Alcester & District Local History Society The Palaeolithic and Ice Age Environments of the West Midlands by Nick Daffern. 7.30pm, 6 th Form Centre, St Benedicts RC High School, Kinwarton Road, Alcester, B49 6PX

8 May Packington Hall Tour. Guided tour of the ground floor of the house and gardens by owner George Guernsey. £25.00 includes refreshments. Visit: to book

10 May Lighthorne History Group. From the Pillory to the Prison Cell by Ginny Davis, 7.30pm Village Hall

11 May. Berkswell Windmill Open Day. 12.00- 4.00

British Association for Local History. The Kineton Group is a Member of BALH and they run lectures and talks which are open to our members. for upcoming talks available virtually. Don’t forget to check our own website at: Kineton and District Local History Group

The committee has reluctantly raised the price of Membership for 2024 to £15pa. This is the first rise in 8
years, and is required to meet the rising costs of speaker fees, hall hire, and speakers’ travel expenses, which
has become a significant amount. Visitor entrance remains at £3.00 per meeting.

If you would like to become a Member of the group, our 2024 membership year starts in January. If you attend
5 or more of the 9 meetings we hold every year then Membership is the best option!

With our bank now charging for payments by cheque or cash, we would urge those who can to please pay by
BACS to our bank business account:
name: Kineton and District Local History Group,
sort code: 40-43-19;
acc. no. 71281992. Please include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment.
Members note that if you pay by cheque make it payable to:
Kineton and District Local History Group, and send or delivered to:
Alec Hitchman,
The Hills Farm,
Pillerton Hersey,

Cash payments can be made at any meeting.
For queries contact Alec on

2023-24 KDLHG Committee

President:  Dr Robert Bearman MBE   
Chairman Rosemary Collier 
Vice-Chairman  Roger Gaunt  
Secretary Gill Stewart   
TreasurerAlec Hitchman  
Outings SecretaryDavid Freke
Programme Secretary Claire Roberts
Membership & PRPamela Redgrave
Carol Clarke
Colin Such
Ilona Sekacz

The new committee met on 2nd April in the Archive Room. We welcomed our new Chairperson and committee members, and Gill agreed to take on the role of Secretary. After receiving the Treasurer’s report, the main business was discussing the archive. Colin presented proposals for managing the archive and Carol undertook to establish the digital records. Carol and Colin agreed to start sorting and cataloguing. The committee discussed ways of raising funds to maintain the archive without draining the Group’s capital, while also fulfilling the Group’s constitution to involve the community. The next committee meeting will be on June 11th in the Archive Room at 7.00pm

Newsletter Contact: David Freke tel. 01295 670516 mob. 07876 290044 email:

Newsletter March 2024

RAFFLE: our first raffle at the February meeting was a great success, raising £60.91 for the group, the
first prize was a wonderful crochet throw made by Pam. Please come prepared with cash on Friday if
you want to take this opportunity to win a prize while supporting the group

Before out talk on Friday 15th we hold our 36th AGM. The
papers for the business part of the meeting have been
circulated, please have a look at them.

The talk on Friday will be Local Rogues and Villains of the 19th
by Vanessa Morgan, a professional genealogist and
local historian. She has been researching local history for thirty
years and has written many articles for family history journals.
While researching for a book on local family history she
inevitably came across contemporary accounts of historic crimes
and misdemeanours. These became a new line of investigation,
culminating in a book focussing on Warwick – Warwick Murder
and Crime – well as giving her an intimate knowledge of the
shadier side of Warwickshire’s past. We will hear true crime
stories about robberies and murders in the Victorian county from
an expert investigator.

Report on our talk on Friday 16th February: The Battle of Edgehill 1642, delivered by Stephen Barker. Stephen is
familiar with Kineton, and the Village Hall, as he was intimately involved in the Battlefield Trust research project on the
Battle of Edgehill, being its principal fund raiser. He greeted several members who had been involved with the battlefield survey. Gill Ashley-Smith recalled that at the time she had pleaded for “no more Civil War”, while allowing that a sufficient lapse of time, and new research, made this evening’s topic more than timely. David Beaumont also looked back to his contribution to the project in his vote of thanks.

As well as describing the new insights revealed by the Battlefield Trust project Stephen emphasised the effects which the battle and the subsequent civil wars had on the local population. This evidence was supported by another recent project to which group members have contributed – the Civil War Loss Accounts transcriptions project run by Maureen Harris.

Other local sources quoted by Stephen were: parish registers, the unique headstone to Captain Gourdain in Warmington cemetery, and the monument to Captain Kingsmill in Radway parish church. My own trawls through parish registers have turned up 38 records of burials related to the Civil War in the villages around Edgehill, 12 of which are connected to the Battle of Edgehill, and another 17 to the battle of Cropredy Bridge in 1644. Many more fatal casualties who were cared for locally were not recorded, because in the chaos of the war record-keeping broke down in many parishes, including Kineton. Stephen gave us the startling fact that a far higher proportion of the country’s population died in the 17th century Civil Wars than were killed in the 20th century World Wars.
The packed Hall was highly appreciative of Stephen’s wide ranging but clear and well-illustrated presentation, as David
Beaumont thanked him on behalf of the Group.
The Community Archive Room. The Archive Room at The Mill in Mill Street, Kineton, is now being furnished and
archives moved in. We are pleased that among the nominees for the new committee are individuals with experience of
archives and digital management, so we hope that in the coming months we can enable access to the documents,
photographs, and tapes that the group has accumulated throughout its 36 year history, and make The Mill a centre for the collection of further material and for research.

Forthcoming K&DLHG talks at the Village Hall and Summer Outings.

15 March AGMVanessa MorganLocal Rogues & Villains of the 19th century
19 AprilEmma BromleyThe Black Book of Warwick
17 MayAnthony HitchcoxRadford Semele: a History in Photos
21 June (eve)Outing Walk round Lighthorne village
19 July (afternoon)OutingVisit to Stanway House
?? AugustOutingtbc
20 SeptemberMaggie WoodMr Gaydon of Brailes, stories told through a collection of smocks
18 OctoberDavid MorseA Dive into Leamington’s Photographic Archive
15 NovemberRoger ButlerWilliam James – Stratford’s Pioneering Railway Engineer
13 DecemberPaul ThompsonIo Saturnalia
17 Jan. 2025Alex HarveyImmersive Tech to Explore Medieval Tunnels in Warwick and Elsewhere
21 Feb. 2025William DeakinHistory of the Hunt in Kineton
21 Mar. 2025AGM & Martin Sinot-Smith37th AGM followed by Daily Life in Tudor Times

Other Organisations’ Events
19 March Warwickshire Local History Society. Members’ Evening: Harvey Bloom: antiquarian and
, by Robert Howe. Around 1910-12 the Rev Harvey Bloom made the first systematic surveys of village
churchyard memorials, including Kineton’s, and we owe much to his recording of inscriptions which are now
illegible. Lidar Surveys at Wappenbury fort by Colin Clay.
Primary School Hall, Aylesford School, Tapping Way, Warwick, CV34 6XR, at 7.30. As an Affiliated
Organisation entry is free for K&DLHG members.

19 March Harbury Society. AGM and talk on Harbury Windmill- Past, Present and Future by Bill
Timson. Tom Hauley Room, All Saints Parish Church, Harbury. 7.30 guests £2.00.

21 March. Warmington Heritage Jackie West, Group. Alice and the Adventurer: the life and times of Alice
and Robert Dudley
by Jackie West. Village Hall, 7.30. Visitors £2.00

British Association for Local History. The Kineton Group is a Member of BALH and they run lectures and
talks which are open to our members. for upcoming talks available virtually.

Don’t forget to check our own website at: Kineton and District Local History Group

The committee has reluctantly raised the price of Membership for 2024 to £15pa. This is the first rise in 8
years, and is required to meet the rising costs of speaker fees, hall hire, and speakers’ travel expenses, which
has become a significant amount. Visitor entrance remains at £3.00 per meeting.

If you would like to become a Member of the group, our 2024 membership year starts in January. If you attend
5 or more of the 9 meetings we hold every year then Membership is the best option!

With our bank now charging for payments by cheque or cash, we would urge those who can to please pay by
BACS to our bank business account:
name: Kineton and District Local History Group,
sort code: 40-43-19;
acc. no. 71281992. Please include your full name so we can correctly attribute your payment.
Members note that if you pay by cheque make it payable to:
Kineton and District Local History Group, and send or delivered to:
Alec Hitchman,
The Hills Farm,
Pillerton Hersey,

Cash payments can be made at any meeting.
For queries contact Alec on

2023-24 KDLHG Committee

President:                               Dr Robert Bearman MBE                  

Chairman                                David Freke                           

Vice-Chairman                       Roger Gaunt                           

Secretary                                Vacant                          

Treasurer                                Alec Hitchman                       

Outings Secretary                   Rosemary Collier                                    

Programme Secretary             Claire Roberts                            

Other committee members:

Isobel Gill

Ilona Sekacz 

Catherine Petrie (PR)

Pamela Redgrave (Membership)

Contact: David Freke tel. 01295 670516 mob. 07876 290044 email: